DepartmentFacultySubjectSemesterTopic TypePaper TypeUnitTopic DescSub TopicClass
BBASankar SahaBBA (MAJOR)1TheoryMajor-1Unit ITheoretical Concept and Evolution of Management Conceptsa. Concept of Management: Need for Study, Managerial Functions. b. Evolution of the Management Thought, Classical Approach – Taylor, Fayol, Neo-Classical and Human Relations Approaches, Behavioural Ap8
BBASankar SahaBBA (MAJOR)1TheoryMajor-1Unit IPlanningDetermination of nature of work of a manager; universality of the Principles of planning, planning; Overview of Planning: Types of Plans & The planning process; Decision making: Process, Types and Tec8
BBASankar SahaBBA (MINOR 1)1TheorySelectUnit ITheoretical Framework:Introduction to Financial Accounting- Accounting as an Information System - its Importance, Scope and Limitations; Users of Accounting Information; Basic concepts and conventions: entity, money measur8
BBASankar SahaBBA (MINOR 1)1TheorySelectUnit IIntroduction to Financial Accounting- Accounting as an Information System - its Importance, Scope and Limitations; Users of Accounting Information; Basic concepts and conventions: entity, money measurement, going concern, cost realization, accruals, periodicity, consistency, prudence (conservatism), materiality and full disclosuresIntroduction to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Understanding Accounting Standards issued by the ICAI related to Disclosure of Accounting Policies, Depreciation Accounting, and Rev8
BBASankar SahaBBA (MINOR 1)1TheorySelectUnit IFinancial Statement AnalysisFinancial Statement Analysis8
BBASankar SahaBBA (MINOR 1)1TheorySelectUnit IFinancial Statement Analysisfrom the perspective of different Stakeholders like Investors, Lenders, and Short-term Creditors; Profitability Ratios, Solvency Ratios, Liquidity Ratios, and Turnover Ratios; Limitations of Ratio Ana8
BBASankar SahaBBA (MAJOR)2TheoryMajor -2Unit IOrganizational BehaviourImportance of Organizational Behaviour. Perception and Attribution: Concept, Nature, Process,4
BBASankar SahaBBA (MAJOR)2TheoryMajor -2Unit IFundamentals of Organizational BehaviourPersonality: Personality-concept, determinant, theory of personality(trait, id, ego, super ego) Attitude : concept .importance, ow can attitude form.12
BBASankar SahaBBA (MAJOR)2TheoryMajor -2Unit 3Group DynamicsGroups and Teams: Definition, Difference between Groups and teams; Stages of Group Development, Group Cohesiveness, Types of teams. Analysis of Interpersonal Relationship: Transactional Analysis.12
BBASankar SahaBBA (MAJOR)2TheoryMajor -2Unit 5Learning TheoriesLearning, concept, importance of learning, Theories of Learning (behavioural .cognitive, social)10
BBASankar SahaBBA (MAJOR)2TheoryMajor -2Unit Iunit,1,3,5revision of all unit8
BBASankar SahaBBA (MINOR 1)2TheoryMinor-2Unit IEntrepreneurial ManagementThe evolution of the concept of entrepreneurship, John Kao’s Model on Entrepreneurship, Idea Generation, Identifying opportunities and Evaluation; Building the Team /Leadership; Strategic planning for4
BBASankar SahaBBA (MINOR 1)2TheoryMinor-2Unit IEntrepreneurial ManagementForms of ownership – Sole proprietorship; partnership; limited liability partnership and corporation form of ownership; advantages/disadvantages,4
BBASankar SahaBBA (MINOR 1)2TheoryMinor-2Unit IEntrepreneurial ManagementFranchising; advantages/disadvantages of franchising; types of franchise arrangements; franchise contracts;4
BBASankar SahaBBA (MINOR 1)2TheoryMinor-2Unit IEntrepreneurial Managementfranchise evaluation checklist, Financing entrepreneurial ventures; Managing growth; Valuation of a new company4
BBASankar SahaBBA (MINOR 1)2TheoryMinor-2Unit IEntrepreneurial ManagementHarvesting and Exit Strategies; Corporate Entrepreneurship4
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyBBA (MINOR 1)2TheoryMinor-2Unit IEntrepreneurial ManagementThe evolution of the concept of entrepreneurship, John Kao’s Model on Entrepreneurship, Idea Generation, Identifying opportunities and Evaluation; Building the Team /Leadership; Strategic planning fo8
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyBBA (MINOR 1)2TheoryMinor-2Unit IEntrepreneurial ManagementThe evolution of the concept of entrepreneurship, John Kao’s Model on Entrepreneurship, Idea Generation, Identifying opportunities and Evaluation; Building the Team /Leadership; Strategic planning fo7
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyBBA (MINOR 1)2TheoryMinor-2Unit 2 Entrepreneurship, Creativity And InnovationntStimulating Creativity; Organisational actions that enhance/hinder creativity, Managerial responsibilities, Creative Teams; Sources of Innovation in Business; Managing Organizations for Innovation an8
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyBBA (MINOR 1)2TheoryMinor-2Unit 2 Entrepreneurship, Creativity And InnovationntStimulating Creativity; Organisational actions that enhance/hinder creativity, Managerial responsibilities, Creative Teams; Sources of Innovation in Business; Managing Organizations for Innovation an8
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyBBA (MINOR 1)2TheoryMinor-2Unit 3: Social EntrepreneurshipIntroduction to Social Entrepreneurship; Characteristics and Role of Social Entrepreneurs; Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a Social Context; Start-Up and Early Stage Venture Issues in creating and15
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyBBA (MINOR 1)2TheoryMinor-2Unit 4Family Business And Entrepreneurship The Entrepreneur; Role and personality; Family Business: Concept, structure and kinds of family firms ; Culture and evolution of family firm; Managing Business, family and shareholder relationships ;15
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyBBA (MINOR 1)2TheoryMinor-2Unit 5 Financing The Entrepreneurial Business Arrangement of funds; Traditional sources of financing, Loan syndication, Consortium finance, role played by commercial banks, appraisal of loan applications by financial institutions, Venture capita10
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyBBA (MINOR 1)2TheoryMinor-2Unit 6: Preparation of project plan and start-upWriting a business plan/project proposal; Designing business process; preparation of business report, Mobilizing resources for start-ups ; Basic Start-up problems, Sources of Finance, Basic concepts 10
BBASankar SahaBBA (MAJOR)3TheoryMajor-4Unit IintroductionIntroduction: Nature, Scope and Importance of Marketing, Evolution of Marketing; Core marketing concepts; Company orientation - Production concept, Product concept, Selling concept, Marketing concept,8
BBASankar SahaBBA (MAJOR)3TheoryMajor-4Unit IintroductionMarketing Environment: Demographic, economic, political, legal, socio cultural, technological environment (Indian context); Portfolio approach – Boston, Consultative Group (BCG) matrix7
BBASankar SahaBBA (MAJOR)3TheoryMajor-4Unit 3introductionProduct & Pricing Decisions: Concept of Product Life Cycle (PLC), PLC marketing strategies, Product Classification, Product Line Decision, Product Mix Decision, Branding Decisions, Packaging & Labelli7
BBASankar SahaBBA (MAJOR)3TheoryMajor-4Unit 3unit 3Pricing Decisions: Determinants of Price, Pricing Methods (Non-mathematical treatment), Adapting Price (Geographical Pricing, Promotional Pricing and Differential Pricing).8
BBASankar SahaBBA (MDC)3TheoryMDC-2Unit Ibusiness ethicsBusiness ethics: Meaning of ethics, why ethical problems occur in business2
BBASankar SahaBBA (MDC)3TheoryMDC-2Unit Ibusiness ethicsprinciple of busines ethices1
BBASankar SahaBBA (MDC)3TheoryMDC-2Unit Ibusiness ethicsUtilitarianism: weighing social cost and benefits, Rights and duties, Justice and fairness, ethics of care, Integrating utility, rights, justice and caring, An alternative to moral principles: virtue 3
BBASankar SahaBBA (MDC)3TheoryMDC-2Unit Ibusiness ethicsWorker’s and employee’s rights and responsibilities, Profit maximization vs. social responsibility.2
BBASankar SahaBBA (MINOR 2)3TheoryMinor-3Unit 5CORPORATE LAWSAdministration of Company Law [including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts]; Characteristics of a company;8
BBASankar SahaBBA (MINOR 2)3TheoryMinor-3Unit 5CORPORATE LAWSlifting of corporate veil; types of companies including one-person company, small company, and dormant company; association not for profit; illegal association; formation of company, on-line filing of4
BBASankar SahaBBA (MINOR 2)3TheoryMinor-3Unit 6documentsMemorandum of association, Articles of association, Doctrine of constructive notice and indoor management, prospector-shelf and red herring prospectus4
BBASankar SahaBBA (MINOR 2)3TheoryMinor-3Unit 6documentsMemorandum of association, Articles of association, Doctrine of constructive notice and indoor management, prospector-shelf and red herring prospectus8
BBASankar SahaBBA (MINOR 2)3TheoryMinor-3Unit 6documentsregarding buyback; issue of bonus shares.3
BBASankar SahaBBA (MINOR 2)3TheoryMinor-3Unit 6managementClassification of directors, women directors, independent director, small shareholder’s director; disqualifications, director identity number (DIN); appointment; Legal positions, powers and duties; re9
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH4TheoryCore-10Unit IREVISION 1,2,3revision of all unit0
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH4TheoryCore-10Unit 2Long -term investment decisionsCapital Budgeting - Principles and Techniques; Nature and meaning of capital budgeting; Estimation of relevant cash flows and terminal value; Evaluation techniques - Accounting Rate of Return, Net Pre16
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH4TheoryCore-10Unit 3Capital StructuresApproaches to Capital Structure Theories - Net Income approach, Net Operating Income approach, Modigliani-Miller (MM) approach, Traditional approach, Capital Structure and Financial Distress, Trade-Of14
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH4TheoryCore-10Unit 4Working Capital ManagementManagement of Cash - Preparation of Cash Budgets (Receipts and Payment Method only); Cash management technique, Receivables Management – Objectives; Credit Policy, Cash Discount, Debtors8
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH4TheoryCore-10Unit 4Working Capital ManagementOutstanding and Ageing Analysis; Costs - Collection Cost, Capital Cost, Default Cost, Delinquency Cost, Inventory Management (Very Briefly) - ABC Analysis; Minimum10
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH4TheoryCore-10Unit INature of Financial ManagementFinance and related disciplines; Scope of Financial Management; Profit Maximization, Wealth Maximization - Traditional and Modern Approach; Functions of finance – Finance Decision, Investment Decision4
BBAAkash SahaCC-BBAH4TheoryCore-8Unit I: Nature and Scope of Marketing Research –– Role of Marketing Research in decision making. Applications of Marketing Research – 6
BBAAkash SahaCC-BBAH4TheoryCore-8Unit I: Nature and Scope of Marketing Research –– Role of Marketing Research in decision making. Applications of Marketing Research – 10
BBAAkash SahaCC-BBAH4TheoryCore-8Unit 2Research Design: : Exploratory, Descriptive, Causal. Secondary Data Research:10
BBAAkash SahaCC-BBAH4TheoryCore-8Unit I Primary Data Collection:Survey Vs. Observations. Comparison of selfadministered, telephone, mail, emails techniques. Qualitative Research Tools: Depth Interviews focus groups and projective techniques; Measurement & Scaling10
BBAAkash SahaCC-BBAH4TheoryCore-8Unit 3 Primary Data Collection:Primary scales of Measurement-Nominal, Ordinal, Interval & Ratio. Scaling techniquespaired comparison, rank order, constant sum, semantic differential, itemized ratings,10
BBAAkash SahaCC-BBAH4TheoryCore-8Unit 4 : Sampling:: Sampling techniques, determination of sample size; Data Analysis:12
BBAAkash SahaCC-BBAH4TheoryCore-8Unit 4 : Sampling::Z test (mean, diff. of mean, diff. of proportion) t test (mean), paired t test, Chi square test, Introduction to theoretical concept of ANOVA, Factor Analysis and Discriminant15
BBAAkash SahaCC-BBAH4TheoryCore-8Unit 2: Research Design:Advantages & Disadvantages of Secondary Data, Criteria for evaluating secondary sources, secondary sources of data in Indian Context, Syndicated Research (in India)10
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyGE-BBA4TheoryGE 4Unit IIncome tax concepts:Previous Year, Assessment Year, Person, Assessee, Income (including agricultural income), Residential Status and their incidence of tax, Gross Total Income, Total Income; Income which do not form part0
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyGE-BBA4TheoryGE 4Unit 2Computation of Income under the head SalaryComputation of Income under the head Salary0
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyGE-BBA4TheoryGE 4Unit 3Computation of IncomeHouse Property and Profits and gains from Business or Profession. Computation of Income under the Head: Capital gains and Income from other sources. Unit IV Clubbing of Income, Set-off and carry-forwa0
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyGE-BBA4TheoryGE 4Unit 4Unit IV Clubbing of Income, Set-off and carry-forward of losses , Deductions from gross total income as applicable to an individual and Business Units; Computation of total income and tax liability of an individual and Business Units, Procedure for assessment: E-filing of return, Introduction to the concept of Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Direct TaxUnit IV Clubbing of Income, Set-off and carry-forward of losses , Deductions from gross total income as applicable to an individual and Business Units; Computation of total income and tax liability of0
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH5TheoryCore-11Unit Ilinear programminggraphical,simplex8
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH5TheoryCore-11Unit Ilinear programmingduality,goal pramming5
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH5TheoryCore-11Unit 3network analysiscpm,pert5
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH5TheoryCore-11Unit 3decesion theoryemv,pay off8
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH5TheoryCore-11Unit 4markav chaingame theory8
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyCC-BBAH6TheoryCore-13Unit 4 Strategic Framework: Strategic analysis & choiceStrategic gap analyses, portfolio analyses – BCG, GE, product market evolution matrix, experience curve, directional policy matrix, life cycle portfolio matrix, grand strategy selection matrix; Behavi16
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyCC-BBAH6TheoryCore-13Unit 3 Formulation of competitive strategies: : Michael E. Porter’s generic competitive strategies, implementing competitive strategies- offensive & defensive moves. Formulating Corporate Strategies: Introduction to strategies of growth, stabili8
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyCC-BBAH6TheoryCore-13Unit 3 Formulation of competitive strategies: : Michael E. Porter’s generic competitive strategies, implementing competitive strategies- offensive & defensive moves. Formulating Corporate Strategies: Introduction to strategies of growth, stabili10
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyCC-BBAH6TheoryCore-13Unit 4 Strategic Framework: Strategic analysis & choiceStrategic gap analyses, portfolio analyses – BCG, GE, product market evolution matrix, experience curve, directional policy matrix, life cycle portfolio matrix, grand strategy selection matrix; Behavi6
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyCC-BBAH6TheoryCore-13Unit 2 Environmental Analysis & Diagnosis Analysis of company’s external environment Environmental impact on organisations policy and strategy, organisations dependence on the environment, analysis of remote environment, analysis of specific8
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyCC-BBAH6TheoryCore-13Unit 2 Environmental Analysis & Diagnosis Analysis of company’s external environment Environmental impact on organisations policy and strategy, organisations dependence on the environment, analysis of remote environment, analysis of specific8
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyCC-BBAH6TheoryCore-13Unit INature & importance of business policy & strategyIntroduction to the strategic management process and related concepts; Characteristics of corporate, business & functional level strategic management decisions. Company’s vision and mission: need for 8
BBASubhendu ChakrabortyCC-BBAH6TheoryCore-13Unit INature & importance of business policy & strategyIntroduction to the strategic management process and related concepts; Characteristics of corporate, business & functional level strategic management decisions. Company’s vision and mission: need for 8
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH6TheoryCore-14Unit IStructure of Indian Financial SystemAn overview of the Indian financial system, financial sector reforms: context, need and objectives; major reforms in the last decade; competition; deregulation; capital requirements; issues in financi4
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH6TheoryCore-14Unit IStructure of Indian Financial SystemManagement of Cash - Preparation of Cash Budgets (Receipts and Payment Method only); Cash management technique, Receivables Management – Objectives; Credit Policy, Cash Discount, Debtors8
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH6TheoryCore-14Unit 2Introduction to Financial Markets in IndiaRole and Importance of Financial Markets, Financial Markets: Money Market; Capital Market; Factors affecting Financial Markets, Linkages Between Economy and Financial Markets, Integration of Indian Fi14
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH6TheoryCore-14Unit 4Money Markets & Debt Markets in IndiaMoney Market: Meaning, role and participants in money markets, Segments of money markets, Call Money Markets, Repos and reverse Repo concepts, Treasury Bill Markets, Market for Commercial Paper, Comme10
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH6TheoryCore-14Unit 4Money Markets & Debt Markets in IndiaSecondary market for government/debt securities, Over subscription and devolvement of Government Securities, Government securities issued by State Governments, Municipal Bonds, Corporate Bonds vs. Gov10
BBAAkash SahaCC-BBAH6SelectCore-14Unit IIntroduction to Indian financial system Indian financial markets 5
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH6TheoryDSE3Unit IAdvertising need & importanceDefinition & growth of modern advertising, advertising & the marketing mix, types & classification of advertisement, advertising spiral; Social & economic aspects of advertising;2
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH6TheoryDSE3Unit IAdvertising need & importanceMarketing communication models: AIDA, hierarchy of effect, innovation adoption model, action first model, quick decision model; Planning6
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH6TheoryDSE3Unit 3Media planning & schedulingIntroduction to broadcast & non -broadcast media; Budgeting decision rule: percentage of sales method, objective to task method,8
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH6TheoryDSE3Unit 3Media planning & schedulingcompetitive parity, & all you can afford; Key factors influencing media planning; Media decisions: media class, media vehicle & media option; Scheduling: flighting, pulsing6
BBASankar SahaCC-BBAH6TheoryDSE3Unit 4Management of sales promotionImportance & need for sales promotion, planning for consumer schemes & contests, different types of consumer schemes.8
BBAAkash SahaCC-BBAH6TheoryDSE3Unit 2How advertising works:Exposure, salience, familiarity, low involvement, central route & peripheral route & cognitive learning; Positioning strategies ; Associating feelings with a brand; Developing brand personality ; Crea15
BBAAkash SahaCC-BBAH6TheoryDSE4Unit IIntroduction to Business analysis and valuation  10
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