Department | Faculty | Subject | Semester | Topic Type | Paper Type | Unit | Topic Desc | Sub Topic | Class |
Mathematics | Tapas Das | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 1 | Theory | Major-1 | Unit 4 | Vector spaces | Subspaces, algebra of subspaces | 5 |
Mathematics | Tapas Das | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 1 | Theory | Major-1 | Unit 2 | Vector spaces | Linear combination of vector, independence and dependence, deletion theorem, basis and dimension, | 10 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 1 | Theory | Major-1 | Unit I | Theory of equations | Relation between roots and coeffecients of equations | 4 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 1 | Theory | Major-1 | Unit I | Linear Algebra | Vector Space | 4 |
Mathematics | Nabanita Dey | MATHEMATICS (MINOR ) | 1 | Theory | Minor-1 | Unit I | Differential Calculus | Tangents and normals, Pedal equation, Curvature, Asymptotes, Envelope, Singular points, Tracing of curves, Parametric representation parametric curves, Polar coordinates and tracing of curves in pola | 15 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MINOR ) | 1 | Theory | Minor-1 | Unit 4 | Integral Calculus | Beta function, Gamma function, area of surface, volume, length of curve etc. | 10 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MINOR ) | 1 | Theory | Minor-1 | Unit 4 | Integral Calculus | Beta function, Gamma function, area of surface, volume, length of curve etc. | 10 |
Mathematics | Tapas Das | MATHEMATICS (MINOR ) | 1 | Theory | Minor-1 | Unit I | Differential Calculus | Limit and continuity of function | 8 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MINOR ) | 1 | Theory | Minor-1 | Unit I | Integral calcuius | Reduction | 4 |
Mathematics | Nabanita Dey | MATHEMATICS (MINOR ) | 1 | Theory | Minor-1 | Unit I | Differential Calculus | Successive differentiation, Leibnitz’s theorem,L’Hospital’s rule and it’s applications, Partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem on Homogeneous Functions | 10 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 3 | convergence & divergence of infinite series | convergence & divergence of infinite series | 2 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 2 | sequence of real numbers | Cauchy's first and second limit theorems with problems | 2 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 3 | convergent and divergence of infinite series | cauchy's criterion of convergence series | 1 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | ordinary differential equation-1 | Equation of first order and first degree | 4 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Ordinary Differential Equation | Equation of First order but not of first degree | 4 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Real analysis | Countable sets, Uncountable sets, Countability of R | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Real analysis | Bounded sets , Unbounded sets , suprema and infinima | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Real analysis | The Completeness Property of R, The Archimedean Property, Arithmetic Continum,Linear Continum, Density of Rational ( And Irrational) numbers in R | 4 |
Mathematics | Nabanita Dey | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 3 | Differential Equation | Simultaneous linear differential equations | 2 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 2 | Sequence of a Real numbers | Nested interval theorem. Subsequences. | 1 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Real analysis | The Completeness Property of R, The Archimedean Property, Arithmetic Continum,Linear Continum, Density of Rational ( And Irrational) numbers in R | 4 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Real Analysis-I | : Review of Algebraic and Order Properties of R, d-neighborhood of a point set in R. Idea of countable sets, uncountable sets and uncountability of R. Bounded above sets, Bounded below sets, Bounded S | 3 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Real Analysis-I | The Completeness Property of R. The Archimedean Property,Arithmetic continuum, Linear continuum. Density of Rational (and Irrational) numbers in R with special reference to well-ordering property. | 3 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Real Analysis-I | Limit points of set, isolated points, open sets,closed sets, Derived set,Union,Intersection,Complement of open and closed set in R. Closure of a set and interior of a set | 3 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 2 | sequence of real numbers | Cauchy Sequence | 0 |
Mathematics | Nabanita Dey | MATHEMATICS (MINOR ) | 2 | Theory | Minor-2 | Unit 3 | Ordinary Differential Equation | Second order linear equations with variable co-efficients: Reduction of order when one solution is known.Complete solution.Reduction to Normal form. Change of independent variable. | 4 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MATHEMATICS (MINOR ) | 2 | Theory | Minor-2 | Unit I | Differential Equation of first order and first degree | Homogeneous and Exact Equations | 3 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MATHEMATICS (MINOR ) | 2 | Theory | Minor-2 | Unit 2 | Partial Differential Equation | Solution of Non-linear partial differential equation by Charpit’s method | 3 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MINOR ) | 2 | Theory | Minor-2 | Unit 2 | Ordinary Differential Equation | Method of variation of parameters.Cauchy-Euler’s homogeneous equation and Reduction to an equation with constant co-efficients.simple Eigen value problem. | 5 |
Mathematics | Nabanita Dey | MATHEMATICS (MINOR ) | 2 | Theory | Minor-2 | Unit I | Ordinary Differential Equation | Orthogonal trajectories | 2 |
Mathematics | Nabanita Dey | MATHEMATICS (MINOR ) | 2 | Theory | Minor-2 | Unit I | Partial Differential Equation | Partial Differential Equations – Basic concepts and definitions, Formation of PDE, Order and Degree of PDE, Types of PDE (Linear,semi-linear, quasi-linear). Solution of linear PDE by Lagrange’s Meth | 8 |
Mathematics | Nabanita Dey | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit I | Boolean Algebra | Boolean Algebra: Huntington postulates for Boolean algebra, Algebra of sets and switching algebra as examples of Boolean Algebra, duality principle, Boolean functions, Normal forms, minimal and maxima | 10 |
Mathematics | Tapas Das | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit I | Calculus | Hyperbolic functions, higher order derivatives, Leibnitz rule and its applications | 10 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit I | Caiculus | Hyperbolic functions , higher order derivative, Leibneitz rule,L hospital's rule | 3 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit 2 | Calculus | Reduction Formula,Parameterizing a curve, arc length of a curve | 0 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit 2 | Calculus | Reduction Formula,Parameterizing a curve, arc length of a curve | 4 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-4 | Unit 2 | Complex Analysis | complex Integration | 8 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 3 | Practical | Major-4 | Unit 2 | Complex Analysis | complex Integration | 6 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-4 | Unit 3 | Singularities,Residues, Contour integration | Cauchy's Integration, Residues, Singularities, Contour integration | 10 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-4 | Unit 2 | Complex Analysis | Analytic function, & Contour Inegral | 5 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-4 | Unit I | Partial Differential Equation | Basic concepts, definitions, formations, | 2 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-4 | Unit I | Partial Differential Equation | Geometrical Interpretation | 2 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 3 | Practical | Major-4 | Unit I | Partial Differential Equation | Plotting of a solution of Cauchy problem for first order PDE | 4 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 3 | Practical | Major-4 | Unit I | Complex Analysis | Introduction to MATLAB & Complex No.Problem | 10 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MATHEMATICS (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-4 | Unit I | Complex Analysis | Analytic Function | 6 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | DSC-MTMG | 4 | Theory | DSC A4 | Unit I | Algebra | Definition and Examoles of Groups , Abelian Groups and Non-Abelian Groups | 3 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | DSC-MTMG | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit I | Vector Calculus | Differentiation and partial differentiation of a vector function | 4 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | DSC-MTMG | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit I | Vector Calculus | Derivative of sum, dot product | 5 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | DSC-MTMG | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit I | Vector Calculus | cross product of two vectors. | 5 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | DSC-MTMG | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit I | Vector Calculus | Gradient, divergence and curl. | 6 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | DSC-MTMG | 4 | Theory | Select | Unit I | Algebra | Definition and examples of groups , examples of abellian and non-abelian groups . | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | DSC-MTMG | 4 | Theory | Select | Unit I | Algebra | The group Zn of integers under addition modulo n and the gruop U(n) of units under multiplicationmodulo n , Cyclic Gruops. | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | DSC-MTMG | 4 | Theory | Select | Unit I | Algebra | Complex roots of unity, circle gruop, The general linear group GLn(n.R),groups of symmetries of an isoceles triangle. | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | DSC-MTMG | 4 | Theory | Select | Unit I | Algebra | Subgroups, Cyclic subgroups, the concept of a subgroup generated by a subset . | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | DSC-MTMG | 4 | Theory | Select | Unit I | Algebra | NOrmal subgroups and Quotient Groups. | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit I | RING THEORY | integral domain | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit I | RING THEORY | fieds and its properties | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit I | RING THEORY | fieds and its properties | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit I | RING THEORY | Subrings | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit I | RING THEORY | Ideals | 0 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit I | RING THEORY | Homomorphism | 0 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit I | Ideals | Maximal and prime ideals | 3 |
Mathematics | Nabanita Dey | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | Core-8 | Unit I | Multivariate Calculus | Directional derivatives, the gradient, maximal and normal property of the gradient, tangent planes, Extrema of functions of two variables, method of Lagrange multipliers, constrained optimization pr | 5 |
Mathematics | Nabanita Dey | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | Core-8 | Unit 3 | Vector Analysis | Definition of vector field, divergence and curl. Line integrals, applications of line integrals: mass and work. Fundamental theorem for line integrals, conservative vector fields, independence of path | 7 |
Mathematics | Nabanita Dey | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | Core-8 | Unit 4 | Vector Analysis | Green’s theorem, surface integrals, integrals over parametrically defined surfaces. Stokes theorem, The Divergence theorem. | 5 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | Core-9 | Unit I | Complex Analysis | Limits, Limits involving the point at infinity, continuity. Properties of complex numbers, regions in the complex plane, functions of complex variable, mappings | 6 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | Core-9 | Unit I | Complex Analysis | Derivatives, differentiation formulas, Cauchy-Riemann equations, sufficient conditions for differentiability. Milne’s method. | 4 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | Core-9 | Unit 2 | Complex Analysis | Analytic functions, examples of analytic functions, exponential function, Logarithmic function, trigonometric function, derivatives of functions, definite integrals of functions. | 4 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 4 | Practical | Core-9 | Unit I | Complex Analysis | Declaring a complex number | 2 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | Core-9 | Unit 2 | Complex Analysis | Contours, Contour 18 integrals and its examples, upper bounds for moduli of contour integrals. Antiderivatives, proof of antiderivative theorem, Cauchy-Goursat theorem, Cauchy integral formula | 5 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | Core-9 | Unit 3 | Complex Analysis | An extension of Cauchy integral formula, consequences of Cauchy integral formula. Mobius transformations. | 5 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 4 | Practical | Core-9 | Unit I | Complex Analysis | Declaring a complex number & Discussing their algebra and then plotting them. ( | 4 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 4 | Practical | Core-9 | Unit I | Complex Analysis | Declaring a complex number & Discussing their algebra and then plotting them | 2 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit 4 | Graph Theory | adjacency matrix , incident matrix, weighted graph | 2 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit I | Graph Theory | On counting trees, Spanning trees | 1 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit I | Graph Theory | Rooted and Binary trees | 1 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit 3 | Graph theory | On counting trees, Spanning trees | 2 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit 2 | Graph Theory | Spanning trees | 2 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit I | Graph Theory | Eulerian circuits, Eulerian graph, | 2 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 4 | Practical | Select | Unit I | Complex Analysis | (i) Declaring a complex number & Discussing their algebra and then plotting them. (ii) Finding conjugate, modulus and phase angle of an array of complex numbers. | 8 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | DSC-MTMG | 5 | Theory | DSE A1 | Unit I | Linear Algebra | Linear transformations | 2 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | DSC-MTMG | 5 | Theory | DSE A1 | Unit I | Linear Algebra | null space, range, rank and nullity of a linear transformation | 6 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | Core-11 | Unit I | Probability | Distribution functions, Expectations | 12 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | Core-11 | Unit 2 | Probability | Mathematical Expectations and Variance | 5 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | Core-12 | Unit I | Laplace Transform | Laplace transform of derivatives and integrals, Inverse Laplace transform and their properties, Convolution theorem, Initial and final value theorem, | 0 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | Core-12 | Unit I | Laplace Transform | Laplace transform of periodic functions, error functions, Heaviside unit step function and Dirac delta function, Applications of Laplace transform to solve ODE | 9 |
Mathematics | Tapas Das | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | Core-12 | Unit 2 | Riemann integration and Improper integral: | inequalities of upper and lower sums, Darboux integration, Darboux theorem, Riemann conditions of integrability, Riemann sum and definition of Riemann integral through Riemann sums, equivalence of two | 12 |
Mathematics | Tapas Das | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | Core-12 | Unit 2 | Riemann integration and Improper integral: | Riemann integrability of monotone and continuous functions, properties of the Riemann integral; definition and integrability of piecewise continuous and monotone functions. Intermediate Value theorem | 12 |
Mathematics | Tapas Das | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | Core-12 | Unit 3 | Series of functions: | Pointwise and uniform convergence of sequence of functions. Theorems on continuity, derivability and integrability of the limit function of a sequence of functions. Series of functions. Theorems on th | 10 |
Mathematics | Tapas Das | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | Core-12 | Unit 4 | Fourier series | Fourier series, Trigonometric Fourier series and its convergence. Fourier series of even and odd functions, Fourier half-range series | 10 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | Core-12 | Unit I | Laplace Transform | Laplace of some standard functions, | 3 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | Core-12 | Unit I | Laplace Transform | Existence conditions for the Laplace Transform, Shifting theorems, | 5 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | DSE1 | Unit I | Linear progrmming and Game theory | Graphical method | 0 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | DSE1 | Unit I | Linear progrmming and Game theory | Intoduction to Linear programming problem and Basic solutions of a set of simultaneous linear equations . | 3 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | DSE1 | Unit I | Linear progrmming and Game theory | Trasportation problem,Assignment Problem | 4 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | DSE2 | Unit 3 | Dynamical system | solution of linear system, fundamental matrix, Fundamental matrices of non autonomous system. | 6 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | DSE2 | Unit 4 | Dynamical system | Linear systems with periodic coefficients, stability of systems, stability of linear autonomous systems, stability of non-linear system using linearization, properties of orbits, Phase portrait. | 6 |
Mathematics | Nabanita Dey | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | DSE2 | Unit 2 | Introduction to Integral equation | Series Solution. Successive approximation. Successive substitution method for Volterra integral equation. Volterra integral equation of first kind. Integral equation with separable kernel. | 15 |
Mathematics | Nabanita Dey | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | DSE2 | Unit I | Intoduction to Integral Equation | Introduction and basic Examples. Classification, Conversion to Volterra Equation to ODE, Conversion of IVP and BVP to Integral equation, Decomposition, Direct Computation, Successive Approximation, Su | 10 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | DSE2 | Unit 3 | Dynamical system | Formulation of physical system | 2 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 5 | Theory | DSE2 | Unit 3 | Dynamical system | Existence and uniqueness of solution of a dynamical system, linear system, solution of linear system, fundamental matrix | 6 |
Mathematics | Nabanita Dey | DSC-MTMG | 6 | Theory | DSE A2 | Unit I | Numerical Method | Lagrange and Newton interpolation: linear and higher order, finite difference operators. Numerical differentiation: forward difference, backward difference and central Difference. Integration: trapezo | 10 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | DSC-MTMG | 6 | Theory | SEC4 | Unit 2 | Graph theory | Eulerian circuits, Hamiltonian cycles, | 1 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | DSC-MTMG | 6 | Theory | SEC4 | Unit I | Graph Theory | Shortest path | 1 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | DSC-MTMG | 6 | Theory | SEC4 | Unit I | Graph Theory | Shortest path and applications | 2 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | DSC-MTMG | 6 | Theory | SEC4 | Unit 2 | Graph Theory | Representation of a graph by matrix, the adjacency matrix, incidence matrix, | 3 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | DSC-MTMG | 6 | Theory | SEC4 | Unit I | Graph Theory | Trees and fundamental Circuits | 5 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | Core-13 | Unit 2 | Dynamics of a particles | Equation of motion of a particles on the plane in polar coordinates | 2 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | Core-13 | Unit 2 | Dynamics of a particles | Central orbits | 4 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | Core-13 | Unit 3 | Dynamics of a particles | Planetary Motion | 2 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | Core-13 | Unit I | Dynamics of a particle | Expressions for velocity and acceleration of a particle moving on a plane in Cartesian and Polar coordinates | 4 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | Core-13 | Unit I | Dynamics of a particle | Simple Harmonic Motion. Problem and extra problem | 1 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | Core-13 | Unit I | Dynamics of a particle | Simple Harmonic Motion. Problem | 2 |
Mathematics | Debashis Kumar Mandal | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | Core-13 | Unit I | Dynamics of a particle | Simple Harmonic Motion. | 2 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | Core-14 | Unit I | Numerical Methods | Errors: Relative, Absolute, Round off, Truncation. | 4 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | Core-14 | Unit I | Numerical Methods | Transcendental and Polynomial equations: Bisection method, Newton’s method, Secant method. Rate of convergence of these methods | 6 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | Core-14 | Unit I | Numerical Methods | System of linear algebraic equations: Gaussian Elimination and Gauss Jordan methods. Gauss Jacobi method, Gauss Seidel method and their convergence analysis | 5 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | Core-14 | Unit 2 | Numerical Methods | Interpolation: Lagrange and Newton’s methods. Error bounds. Finite difference operators. Gregory forward and backward difference interpolation. | 9 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | Core-14 | Unit 3 | Numerical Methods | Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3rd rule. Composite Trapezoidal rule, Composite Simpson’s 1/3rd rule | 5 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | Core-14 | Unit 3 | Numerical Methods | Ordinary Differential Equations: Euler’s method. Runge-Kuttmethod of orders two and four.a | 4 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 6 | Practical | Core-14 | Unit 4 | Numerical Integration | Trapezoidal Rule • Simpson’s one third rule | 4 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 6 | Practical | Core-14 | Unit 4 | Solution of transcendental and algebraic equations by | Bisection method • Newton Raphson method. • Regula Falsi method | 6 |
Mathematics | BINA BHOWMIK | MTMHCC | 6 | Practical | Core-14 | Unit 4 | Solution of ordinary differential equations | Euler method • Runge- Kuttaa Method of orders two and fou | 4 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | DSE3 | Unit I | Number Theory | Linear Diophantine Equation | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | DSE3 | Unit I | Number THEORY | The fundamental theorem of arithmetic, statement of prime numbers. | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | DSE3 | Unit I | Number THEORY | Goldbach conjecture, linear Congruences, reduced and complete set of Residues. | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | DSE3 | Unit I | Number THEORY | Chinese Remainder theorem,Fermats little theorem | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | DSE3 | Unit I | Number THEORY | Wilson's theorem,Number theretic function | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | DSE3 | Unit I | Number THEORY | Sum and number of divisors , multiplicative and totally multiplicative functions | 2 |
Mathematics | Arpita Sikder | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | DSE3 | Unit I | Number theoretic function | Euler's phi function, Counting of numbrer of positive divisors and sum of positive divisors | 4 |
Mathematics | Nabanita Dey | MTMHCC | 6 | Theory | DSE4 | Unit 3 | Boolean Algebra | Discrete Mathematics: Principle of inclusion and exclusion, Pigeon-hole principle, Finite combinatorics, Generating functions, Partitions, Recurrence relations, Linear difference equations with consta | 10 |