DepartmentFacultySubjectSemesterTopic TypePaper TypeUnitTopic DescSub TopicClass
EconomicsPriyanka Debnath ECONOMICS (MAJOR )1TheorySelectUnit 3Theory of Production Concept of production function 10
EconomicsPriyanka Debnath ECONOMICS (MAJOR )1TheorySelectUnit 3Theory of Production Concept of production function 8
EconomicsPriyanka Debnath ECONOMICS (MAJOR )1TheorySelectUnit 3Theory of Revenue and costConcept of revenues 8
EconomicsPriyanka Debnath ECONOMICS (MAJOR )1TheorySelectUnit 3Theory of Revenue and costConcept of cost6
EconomicsPriyanka Debnath ECONOMICS (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 3INTRODUCTORY MACROECONOMICSInflation and Unemployment6
EconomicsPriyanka Debnath ECONOMICS (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 4INTRODUCTORY MACROECONOMICSMoney and Banking6
EconomicsFiroze HasanECONOMICS (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 6Simple classical and keynesian theoryclassical dichotomy,loanable fund theory,dynamic multiplier4
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALECONOMICS (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit INational Income Accounting Definitions of National Income, Concepts of GDP, GNP, NDP and NNP at factor cost and at market price, GNI; Circular flow of income8
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALECONOMICS (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit INational Income AccountingApproaches to measuring National Income, Difficulties in the measurement of National Income, Numerical examples6
EconomicsFiroze HasanECONOMICS (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 2Simple Classical and Keynesian TheorySay's Law and Quantity theory of money.Theory of income and employment.Simple Keynesian model,Balanced budget multiplier4
EconomicsFiroze HasanECONOMICS (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 2Simple Classical and Keynesian theoryFull employment and wage price flexibility,The great depression of 1930's2
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALECONOMICS (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-4Unit IThe Keynesian System: Money, Interest and Income Effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal policies in IS-LM Model, Transmission mechanism of and Crowding out effect. Determination of equilibrium income and interest rate, Comparative Statics - Monetary 10
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALECONOMICS (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-4Unit IThe Keynesian System: Money, Interest and Income Effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal policies in IS-LM Model, Transmission mechanism of and Crowding out effect. Determination of equilibrium income and interest rate, Comparative Statics - Monetary 6
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALECONOMICS (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-4Unit 2The Principle of Effective Demand The Complete Keynesian Model: Derivation of aggregate demand curve8
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALECONOMICS (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-4Unit 2The Principle of Effective Demand Derivation of aggregate supply curves both in the presence and absence of wage rigidity; 10
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALECONOMICS (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-4Unit 2The Principle of Effective Demand Effects of wage cut, Unemployment equilibrium and its causes - 8
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALECONOMICS (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-4Unit 2The Principle of Effective Demandpossible solutions including real balance effect, Keynes vs. Classics.14
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH4TheoryCore-10Unit 4STATISTICAL METHODS FOR ECONOMICS-IIClassical Statistical Inference8
EconomicsFiroze HasanCC-ECOH4TheoryCore-8Unit 2Inflation and unemploymentDPI,CPI,Natural rate of unemployment2
EconomicsFiroze HasanCC-ECOH4TheoryCore-8Unit ISupply of moneyMoney creation by commercial bank,control of money supply by the central bank2
EconomicsFiroze HasanCC-ECOH4TheoryCore-8Unit 4Central and commercial banking :functions and credit controlCredit control methods,Theory of bank raste,open market opoerations2
EconomicsFiroze HasanCC-ECOH4TheoryCore-8Unit 2Growth theoriesHarrod and Domar model,The Sollow model2
EconomicsFiroze HasanCC-ECOH4TheoryCore-8Unit 6Theories of trade cycleHawtrey,Hayek,Hicks theories of trade cyclr2
EconomicsPriyanka Debnath CC-ECOH4TheoryCore-8Unit IMACROECONOMICS- IITheories of Consumption and Investment functions6
EconomicsPriyanka Debnath CC-ECOH4TheoryCore-8Unit 2MACROECONOMICS- IIInflation and Unemployment6
EconomicsPriyanka Debnath CC-ECOH4TheoryCore-8Unit 3MACROECONOMICS- II Supply of Money6
EconomicsFiroze HasanCC-ECOH4TheoryCore-8Unit ITheories of consumption and investment functionsRelative income hypothesis,permanent income hypothesis and life cycle hypothesis4
EconomicsFiroze HasanCC-ECOH4TheoryCore-8Unit 2Growth theoriesHarrod and Domar model,The Sollow model2
EconomicsPriyanka Debnath CC-ECOH4TheoryCore-9Unit I INDIAN ECONOMY SINCE INDEPENDENCEStructural Changes in the Indian Economy6
EconomicsPriyanka Debnath CC-ECOH4TheoryCore-9Unit 2 INDIAN ECONOMY SINCE INDEPENDENCE Agricultural Sector6
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALDSC-ECOG4TheoryDSC A4Unit IPrinciples of Macroeconomics–IITheories of Interest6
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALDSC-ECOG4TheoryDSC A4Unit 2Principles of Macroeconomics–IITheory of Inflation8
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALDSC-ECOG4TheoryDSC A4Unit 3Principles of Macroeconomics–IIGovernment Budget and the Economy8
EconomicsFiroze HasanGE-ECOH4TheoryGE 4Unit 4International environmentGATT,WTO,World Bank,IMF1
EconomicsFiroze HasanGE-ECOH4TheoryGE 4Unit 4India's monetary systemMonetary policy of RBI,Bank nationalization of india2
EconomicsFiroze HasanGE-ECOH4TheoryGE 4Unit 2Public finance in indiaFeatures of indian tax system,public debt in india,centre state financial relations2
EconomicsFiroze HasanGE-ECOH4TheoryGE 4Unit IIndian demographyPopulation growth in India2
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH5TheoryCore-12Unit I: Introduction to Public FinancePublic Finance: meaning and scope, distinction between public and private finance; public good verses private good; Market failure and role of government, Externalities,8
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH5TheoryCore-12Unit I: Introduction to Public FinancePublic Finance: meaning and scope, distinction between public and private finance; public good verses private good; Market failure and role of government, Externalities,4
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH5TheoryCore-12Unit 4Public Budget and Public DebtPublic Budget: kinds of budget, economic and functional classification of the budget; Balanced and unbalanced budget; Balanced Budget Multiplier; Budget as an instrument of economic policy. Sources, e14
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH5TheoryCore-12Unit 4Public Budget and Public DebtPublic Budget: kinds of budget, economic and functional classification of the budget; Balanced and unbalanced budget; Balanced Budget Multiplier; Budget as an instrument of economic policy. Sources, e8
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH5TheoryCore-12Unit 4Public Budget and Public DebtPublic Budget: kinds of budget, economic and functional classification of the budget; Balanced and unbalanced budget; Balanced Budget Multiplier; Budget as an instrument of economic policy. Sources, e15
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH5TheoryCore-12Unit 4Public Budget and Public DebtPublic Budget: kinds of budget, economic and functional classification of the budget; Balanced and unbalanced budget; Balanced Budget Multiplier; Budget as an instrument of economic policy. Sources, e10
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH5TheoryDSE1Unit 3Classical Linear Regression Model: Two Variable CaseThe model and the disturbance term ;3
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH5TheoryDSE1Unit 3Classical Linear Regression Model: Two Variable Case; Estimation of model by method of ordinary least squares (OLS);GaussMarkov theorem, Reverse Regression,5
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH5TheoryDSE1Unit 3Classical Linear Regression Model: Two Variable Casetesting of hypotheses and confidence intervals; 4
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH5TheoryDSE1Unit 3Classical Linear Regression Model: Two Variable Case; scaling and units of measurement; prediction and forecasting, Problems in OLS Method8
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH5TheoryDSE2Unit 3Commercial BankingMeaning and types; Functions of commercial banks;6
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH5TheoryDSE2Unit 3Commercial Bankingthe process of credit creation and its limitations;8
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH5TheoryDSE2Unit 3Commercial BankingBalance sheet and Portfolio Management4
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH5TheoryDSE2Unit 3Commercial BankingBalance sheet and Portfolio Management4
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH5TheoryDSE2Unit 3Commercial BankingBanking sector reforms in India since 1991.8
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALDSC-ECOG5TheoryDSE A1Unit IEconomic Growth and Economic DevelopmentGrowth, Economic Development and Gross National, Distinction between Economic Growth and Economic Development, Indicators of Economic Growth and Economic Development, Net National Income and Per Capit12
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALDSC-ECOG5TheoryDSE A1Unit 2PopulationCapital formation (Physical and Human); technology; institutions. Relationship between Population and Economic Development, Features of India’s Population Problem, National Population Policy-2000, Occ12
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALDSC-ECOG5TheoryDSE A1Unit 3Capital FormationCapital-output Ratio, Role of Capital Formation in LDCs and its Problems, Trends of Savings and Capital Formation in India.10
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALDSC-ECOG5TheoryDSE A1Unit 4Foreign InvestmentForeign Capital/Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Government Policy, Foreign Aid, Different forms of Foreign Investment and their Roles in Economic Development.10
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALDSC-ECOG5TheoryDSE A1Unit 5International Financial Institution in Economic Development of LDCs: IMF and World BankInternational Financial Institution in Economic Development of LDCs: IMF and World Bank12
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALDSC-ECOG5TheorySEC-3Unit IIndia’s Economic StructureIndia’s Transition from Planned Economy to the Market Economy, Main Features of Less Develop Countries (LDCs), Causes of Underdevelopment of the Indian Economy6
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALDSC-ECOG5TheorySEC-3Unit 2India’s National IncomeTrends and Feature, Estimation and Distribution, Causes of Low Growth of National Income, Sectoral Composition of India’s National Income, Difficulties in Measuring National Income in India.8
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALDSC-ECOG5TheorySEC-3Unit 3AgricultureFeatures of Indian Agriculture, Causes of Low Productivity and its Remedies, Role of Agricultural Development in India’s Economic Development4
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALDSC-ECOG5TheorySEC-3Unit 3AgricultureNew Technology and Green Revolution and its Effects, Agricultural Finance and Marketing.4
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALDSC-ECOG5TheorySEC-3Unit 4Land Reforms in IndiaAgrarian Structure, Relationship between Man and Land, Programme of Land Reform in India and its Evaluation, Land Reforms in West Bengal, Operation Barga in West Bengal. 8
EconomicsFiroze HasanCC-ECOH6TheoryCore-13Unit IIntroductionAbsolute advantage theory,Comparative cost theory andHecksher-Ohlin theory4
EconomicsFiroze HasanCC-ECOH6TheoryCore-13Unit 2Commodity and factor prices under tradeFactor price equalization theorem,Rybcznsky theorem2
EconomicsFiroze HasanCC-ECOH6TheoryCore-13Unit 3Tariff under optimal market conditionsTheory of Tariffs and income distribution2
EconomicsFiroze HasanCC-ECOH6TheoryCore-13Unit 4Balance of trade and balance of paymentBOT,BOP,Functions of IMF,World Bank2
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH6TheoryCore-13Unit 4INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment10
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH6TheoryCore-14Unit 4ENVIROMENTAL ECONOMICSOptimal Exploitation of Natural Resources8
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH6TheoryCore-14Unit 5ENVIROMENTAL ECONOMICSEnvironmental Valuation and Technique8
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH6TheoryCore-14Unit 6ENVIROMENTAL ECONOMICSIndian Environmental Issues and Legislation10
EconomicsPriyanka Debnath CC-ECOH6TheoryCore-14Unit IENVIROMENTAL ECONOMICSEconomy and Environment6
EconomicsPriyanka Debnath CC-ECOH6TheoryCore-14Unit 2ENVIROMENTAL ECONOMICSEnvironment and Public Good6
EconomicsPriyanka Debnath CC-ECOH6TheoryCore-14Unit 3ENVIROMENTAL ECONOMICSSustainable Development6
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH6TheoryDSE3Unit 3Financial MarketsMoney market vs Capital market; Primary vs Secondary market4
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALCC-ECOH6TheoryDSE3Unit 3Financial MarketsCall money market; Treasury bill market; Commercial bills market; Stock exchanges; SEBI6
EconomicsFiroze HasanCC-ECOH6TheoryDSE4Unit IBackground and ConceptLewis model of development,sustainable development2
EconomicsFiroze HasanCC-ECOH6TheoryDSE4Unit 2Policies and programmes for rural developmentIRDP,RLEGP,NREP,MGNREGA,SGSY,IAY,PMGSY2
EconomicsFiroze HasanCC-ECOH6TheoryDSE4Unit 4Stakeholders in rural developmentCO-operatives and other formal and informal organizations2
EconomicsFiroze HasanCC-ECOH6TheoryDSE4Unit 3Resources and livelyhoodsForestry,fishery and watershed development2
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALDSC-ECOG6TheoryDSE A2Unit IClassification of DataNature, Significance and Limitations of Statistics - Collection of data - Primary and Secondary Data - Methods of collecting Primary Data - Classification and Tabulation of Data.4
EconomicsFiroze HasanDSC-ECOG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 2Graphical representationsBar diagrams,Frequency distribution,,cumulative frequency curve and ogives2
EconomicsFiroze HasanDSC-ECOG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 3Central tendency measuresRelation between AM,GM and HM,Median and mode2
EconomicsFiroze HasanDSC-ECOG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 4Measures of dispersionRange,Quartile deviation,mean deviation,coefficient of variation2
EconomicsFiroze HasanDSC-ECOG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 5Concept of correlationKarl Pearson's coefficient of correlation,Spearman's Rank Correlation2
EconomicsFiroze HasanDSC-ECOG6TheoryDSE A2Unit IClassification of dataCollecton of data,Classification and tabulation of data2
EconomicsSUSHOVAN MONDALDSC-ECOG6TheorySEC4Unit 4INDIAN ECONOMY-IIIndia’s Economic Planning6
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