DepartmentFacultySubjectSemesterTopic TypePaper TypeUnitTopic DescSub TopicClass
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHABASIC COMPUTING (SEC )2TheorySEC-2Unit IUnderstanding Word ProcessingWord Processing Basics; Opening and Closing of documents; Text creation and Manipulation; Formatting of text; Table handling; Spell check, language setting and thesaurus; Printing of word document. 5
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHABASIC COMPUTING (SEC )2PracticalSEC-2Unit IUnderstanding Word ProcessingWord Processing Basics; Opening and Closing of documents; Text creation and Manipulation; Formatting of text; Table handling; Spell check, language setting and thesaurus; Printing of word document. 10
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHABASIC COMPUTING (SEC )2TheorySEC-2Unit 2Using Spread SheetBasics of Spreadsheet; Manipulation of cells; Formulas and Functions; Editing of Spread Sheet, printing of Spread Sheet.5
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHABASIC COMPUTING (SEC )2PracticalSEC-2Unit 2Using Spread SheetBasics of Spreadsheet; Manipulation of cells; Formulas and Functions; Editing of Spread Sheet, printing of Spread Sheet.10
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHABASIC COMPUTING (SEC )2TheorySEC-2Unit 3Making small presentationBasics of presentation software; Creating Presentation; Preparation and Presentation of Slides; Slide Show; Taking printouts of presentation / handouts.5
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHABASIC COMPUTING (SEC )2PracticalSEC-2Unit 3Making small presentationBasics of presentation software; Creating Presentation; Preparation and Presentation of Slides; Slide Show; Taking printouts of presentation / handouts.5
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHABASIC COMPUTING (SEC )2PracticalSEC-2Unit 3Making small presentationBasics of presentation software; Creating Presentation; Preparation and Presentation of Slides; Slide Show; Taking printouts of presentation / handouts.5
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 4Understanding FunctionsUtility of functions, Types of Functions, Functions returning value, Void functions, Inline Functions, Return type of functions, Parameters of functions; (formal and actual), Declaration and Definitio5
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 4Understanding FunctionsUtility of functions, Types of Functions, Functions returning value, Void functions, Inline Functions, Return type of functions, Parameters of functions; (formal and actual), Declaration and Definitio5
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 5Implementation of Arrays and Strings Creating and Using One Dimensional Arrays (Declaring and Defining an Array, Initializing an Array, accessing individual elements in an Array, manipulating array elements using loops), Types of arrays 5
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 5Implementation of Arrays and Strings Creating and Using One Dimensional Arrays (Declaring and Defining an Array, Initializing an Array, accessing individual elements in an Array, manipulating array elements using loops), Types of arrays 5
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 6User-defined Data Types (Structures and Unions)Understanding utility of structures and unions, Declaring, initializing, and using simple structures and unions, manipulating individual members of structures and unions, Array of Structures, Individu7
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 6User-defined Data Types (Structures and Unions)Understanding utility of structures and unions, Declaring, initializing, and using simple structures and unions, manipulating individual members of structures and unions, Array of Structures, Individu10
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit IIntroduction to COverview of Procedural Programming, using main function, structure of a C program, Compiling and Executing Simple Programs in C, use of #include, #define2
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 2Data Types, Variables, Constants, Operators and Basic I/ODeclaring, Defining and Initializing Variables, Scope and extent of Variables, Using Named Constants, Keywords, Data Types, Casting of Data Types, Operators (Arithmetic, Logical, Relational, Increment3
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 3Expressions, Conditional Statements, and Iterative StatementsUnderstanding Operator Precedence and associativity in Expressions, Conditional Statements (if construct, switch-case construct), Understanding syntax and utility of Iterative Statements (while, do-wh4
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 3Expressions, Conditional Statements, and Iterative StatementsUnderstanding Operator Precedence and associativity in Expressions, Conditional Statements (if construct, switch-case construct), Understanding syntax and utility of Iterative Statements (while, do-wh4
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 4Understanding FunctionUtility of functions, Types of Functions, Functions returning value, Void functions, Inline Functions, Return type of functions, Parameters of functions; (formal and actual), Declaration and Definitio5
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 4Understanding FunctionUtility of functions, Types of Functions, Functions returning value, Void functions, Inline Functions, Return type of functions, Parameters of functions; (formal and actual), Declaration and Definitio5
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 5Implementation of Arrays and StringsCreating and Using One Dimensional Arrays (Declaring and Defining an Array, Initializing an Array, accessing individual elements in an Array, manipulating array elements using loops), Types of arrays 5
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 5Implementation of Arrays and StringsCreating and Using One Dimensional Arrays (Declaring and Defining an Array, Initializing an Array, accessing individual elements in an Array, manipulating array elements using loops), Types of arrays 5
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 6User-defined Data Types (Structures and Unions), File I/OUnderstanding utility of structures and unions, Declaring, initializing, and using simple structures and unions, manipulating individual members of structures and unions, Array of Structures, Individu7
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 6User-defined Data Types (Structures and Unions), File I/OUnderstanding utility of structures and unions, Declaring, initializing, and using simple structures and unions, manipulating individual members of structures and unions, Array of Structures, Individu10
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACOMPUTER SCIENCE (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 2Data Types, Variables, Constants, Operators and Basic I/ODeclaring, Defining and Initializing Variables, Scope and extent of Variables, Using Named Constants, Keywords, Data Types, Casting of Data Types, Operators (Arithmetic, Logical, Relational, Increment3
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4TheoryCore-10Unit IIntroduction to JavaJava Architecture and Features, Understanding the semantic and syntax differences between C++ and Java, Compiling and Executing a Java Program, Variables, Constants, Keywords Data Types, Operators (Ar3
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4TheoryCore-10Unit 2Arrays, Strings and I/OCreating & Using Arrays (One Dimension and Multi-dimensional), Referencing Arrays Dynamically, Java Strings: The Java String class, Creating & Using String Objects, Manipulating Strings, String Immuta4
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4TheoryCore-10Unit 4Object-Oriented Programming OverviewPrinciples of Object-Oriented Programming, Defining & Using Classes, Controlling Access to Class Members, Class Constructors, Method Overloading, Class Variables & Methods, Objects as parameters, fina4
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4TheoryCore-10Unit 4Inheritance, Interfaces, Packages, Enumerations, Autoboxing and MetadataInheritance: (Single Level and Multilevel, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Abstract Classes), Interfaces and Packages, Extending interfaces and packages, Package and Class Visibility, Usin7
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4TheoryCore-10Unit 5Exception Handling, Threading, Networking and Database ConnectivityException types, uncaught exceptions, throw, built-in exceptions, Creating your own exceptions; Multi-threading: The Thread class and Runnable interface, creating single and multiple threads, Thread p7
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4TheoryCore-10Unit 6Applets and Event HandlingJava Applets:Introduction to Applets, Writing Java Applets, Working with Graphics, Incorporating Images & Sounds. Event Handling Mechanisms,Listener The design and Implementation of GUIs using the AWT7
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4TheoryCore-10Unit 7Applets and Event HandlingSwing components of Java Foundation Classes such as labels, buttons, textfields, layout managers, menus, events and listeners; Graphic objects for drawing figures such as lines, rectangles, ovals, usi3
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4PracticalCore-10Unit IBasic Java PracticalVariables, Constants, Keywords Data Types, Operators,IF-ELSE,LOOP 3
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4PracticalCore-10Unit 2Arrays, Strings and I/O PracticalCreating & Using Arrays (One Dimension and Multi-dimensional), Referencing Arrays Dynamically, Java Strings: The Java String class, Creating & Using String Objects, Manipulating Strings, String Immuta3
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4PracticalCore-10Unit 3Object-Oriented Programming Overview PracticalUsing Classes, Controlling Access to Class Members, Class Constructors, Method Overloading, Class Variables & Methods, Objects as parameters3
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4PracticalCore-10Unit 4nheritance, Interfaces, Packages, Enumerations, Autoboxing and Metadata PracticalInheritance: (Single Level and Multilevel, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch, Abstract Classes), Interfaces and Packages, Extending interfaces and packages, Package and Class Visibility3
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4PracticalCore-10Unit 5Exception Handling, Threading,Swing components of Java Foundation Classes such as labels, buttons, textfields, layout managers, ava Applets:Introduction to Applets, Writing Java Applets, Working with Graphics,Swing components of Java Foundation Classes such as labels, buttons, textfields, layout managers, 5
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH4TheoryCore-8Unit ISoftware EngineeringIntroduction (The Evolving Role of Software, Software Characteristics, Changing Nature of Software, Software Engineering as a Layered Technology, Software Process Framework, Framework and Umbrella A4
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH4TheoryCore-8Unit 2Software EngineeringRequirement Analysis (Software Requirement Analysis, Initiating Requirement EngineeringProcess, Requirement Analysis and Modeling Techniques, Flow Oriented Modeling, Need for SRS, Characteristics and5
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH4TheoryCore-8Unit 3Software EngineeringSoftware Project Management (Estimation in Project Planning Process, Project Scheduling)4
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH4TheoryCore-8Unit 4Software EngineeringRisk Management (Software Risks, Risk Identification, Risk Projection and Risk Refinement, RMMM Plan)4
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH4TheoryCore-8Unit 5Software EngineeringQuality Management (Quality Concepts, Software Quality Assurance, Software Reviews, Metrics for Process and Projects)4
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH4TheoryCore-8Unit 6Software EngineeringDesign Engineering (Design Concepts, Architectural Design Elements, Software Architecture, Data Design at the Architectural Level and Component Level, Mapping of Data Flow into Software Architecture,5
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH4TheoryCore-8Unit 7Software EngineeringTesting Strategies & Tactics (Software Testing Fundamentals, Strategic Approach to Software Testing, Test Strategies for Conventional Software, Validation Testing, System Testing, Black-Box Testing, 4
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACC-CMSH4TheoryCore-9Unit IIntroduction to Computer NetworksNetwork definition; network topologies; network classifications; network protocol; layered network architecture; overview of OSI reference model; overview of TCP/IP protocol suite.3
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACC-CMSH4TheoryCore-9Unit 2Data Communication Fundamentals and TechniquesAnalog and digital signal; data-ratelimits; digital to digital line encoding schemes; pulse code modulation; parallel and serial transmission; digital to analog modulation-; multiplexing techniques- F5
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACC-CMSH4TheoryCore-9Unit 3Networks Switching Techniques and Access mechanismsCircuit switching; packetswitching- connectionless datagram switching, connection-oriented virtual circuit switching; dial-up modems; digital subscriber line; cable TV for data transfer.5
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACC-CMSH4TheoryCore-9Unit 4Data Link Layer Functions and ProtocolError detection and error correction techniques;data-link control- framing and flow control; error recovery protocols- stop and wait ARQ, go-back-n ARQ; Point to Point Protocol on Internet.5
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACC-CMSH4TheoryCore-9Unit 5Multiple Access Protocol and NetworksCSMA/CD protocols; Ethernet LANS; connectingLAN and back-bone networks- repeaters, hubs, switches, bridges, router and gateways;3
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACC-CMSH4TheoryCore-9Unit 6Networks Layer Functions and ProtocolsRouting; routing algorithms; network layer protocolof Internet- IP protocol, Internet control protocols.3
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACC-CMSH4TheoryCore-9Unit 7Transport Layer Functions and ProtocolsTransport services- error and flow control,Connection establishment and release- three way3
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHACC-CMSH4TheoryCore-9Unit 8Overview of Application layer protocolOverview of DNS protocol; overview of WWW &HTTP protocol.3
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit IIndrodiction to Web TechnologyDynamic Web Pages [2L] The need of dynamic web pages; an overview of DHTML, cascading style sheet (css), comparative studies of different technologies of dynamic page creation2
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit 2Active Web PagesActive Web Pages [2L] Need of active web pages; java applet life cycle.2
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit 3Java ScriptData types, variables, operators, conditional statements, array object, date object, string object.3
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit 4Java ServletServlet environment and role, HTML support, Servlet API, The servlet life cycle, Cookies and Sessions4
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit 5JSPJSP architecture, JSP servers, JSP tags, understanding the layout in JSP, Declaring variables, methods in JSP, inserting java expression in JSP, processing request from user and generating dynamic res5
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit 6J2EEAn overview of J2EE web services, basics of Enterprise Java Beans, EJB vs. Java Beans, basics of RMI, JNI.4
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit IVisual ProgrammingINTRODUCTION: Windows concepts and terminology, key elements5
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit 2Visual ProgrammingCreating the look, communication via messages, windows resources and functions, adding multimedia and sound resources3
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit 3Visual ProgrammingWriting windows applications, taking control of windows, adding menus, dialog boxes,4
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit 4Visual ProgrammingSpecial controls. Concepts of X-Windows System & programming.2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit 5Visual ProgrammingIntroduction to Visual Basic & difference with BASIC. Concept about form Project, Application, Tools, Toolbox, Controls & Properties. Idea about Labels, Buttons, Text Boxes.2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit 6Visual ProgrammingData basics, Different type variables & their use in VB, sub-functions & Procedure details, Input box () & Msgbox (). Making decisions, looping3
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit 7Visual ProgrammingList boxes & Data lists, List Box control, Combo Boxes, data Arrays.3
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit 8Visual ProgrammingFrames, buttons, check boxes, timer control, Programming with data, built in functions, ODBC data base connectivity.2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit 9Visual ProgrammingData form Wizard, query,4
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH4TheorySEC2Unit 10Visual Programmingmenus in VB Applications, Graphics4
PhysicsANIMESH HALDARCOMPUTER SCIENCE (H)4TheoryGE4Unit 4Electromagnetic Induction Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction, Lenz’s law, self and mutual inductance4
PhysicsANIMESH HALDARCOMPUTER SCIENCE (H)4TheoryGE4Unit 4Electromagnetic Induction L of single coil, M of two coils. Energy stored in magnetic field.2
PhysicsANIMESH HALDARCOMPUTER SCIENCE (H)4TheoryGE4Unit 4Maxwell’s equations and Electromagnetic wave propagation Equation of continuity of current, Displacement current2
PhysicsANIMESH HALDARCOMPUTER SCIENCE (H)4TheoryGE4Unit 4Maxwell’s equations and Electromagnetic wave propagation Maxwell’s equations, Poynting vector, energy density in electromagnetic field,4
PhysicsANIMESH HALDARCOMPUTER SCIENCE (H)4TheoryGE4Unit 4Maxwell’s equations and Electromagnetic wave propagation electromagnetic wave propagation through vacuum and isotropic dielectric medium, transverse nature of EM waves, polarization.4
PhysicsANIMESH HALDARCOMPUTER SCIENCE (H)4TheoryGE4Unit 4Electrical Circuits AC CircuitsKirchhoff’s laws for AC circuits. Complex Reactance and Impedance. Series LCR Circuit: (1) Resonance, (2) Power Dissipation and (3) quality Factor, and (4) Band Width.3
PhysicsANIMESH HALDARCOMPUTER SCIENCE (H)4TheoryGE4Unit 4Electrical Circuits AC CircuitsParallel LCR Circuit. Measurement of a High resistance by the method of leakage of charge of a capacitor. Transient in Mutually coupled circuits.3
PhysicsANIMESH HALDARCOMPUTER SCIENCE (H)4TheoryGE4Unit 4MagnetismIntroduction,Biot Savart Law1
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHAGE-CMSH4TheoryGE 4Unit IIntroduction to C and C++History of C and C++, Overview of Procedural Programming and Object-Orientation Programming, Using main() function, Compiling and Executing Simple Programs in C++.3
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHAGE-CMSH4TheoryGE 4Unit 2Data Types, Variables, Constants, Operators and Basic I/ODeclaring, Defining and Initializing Variables, Scope of Variables, Using Named Constants, Keywords, Data Types, Casting of Data Types, Operators (Arithmetic, Logical and Bitwise), Using Comments in p2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHAGE-CMSH4PracticalGE 4Unit 2Data Types, Variables, Constants, Operators and Basic I/ODeclaring, Defining and Initializing Variables, Scope of Variables, Using Named Constants, Keywords, Data Types, Casting of Data Types, Operators (Arithmetic, Logical and Bitwise), Using Comments in p2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHAGE-CMSH4TheoryGE 4Unit 3Expressions, Conditional Statements and Iterative StatementsSimple Expressions in C++ (including Unary Operator Expressions, Binary Operator Expressions), Understanding Operators Precedence in Expressions, Conditional Statements (if construct, switch-case cons2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHAGE-CMSH4PracticalGE 4Unit 3Expressions, Conditional Statements and Iterative StatementsSimple Expressions in C++ (including Unary Operator Expressions, Binary Operator Expressions), Understanding Operators Precedence in Expressions, Conditional Statements (if construct, switch-case cons2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHAGE-CMSH4TheoryGE 4Unit 4Functions and ArraysUtility of functions, Call by Value, Call by Reference, Functions returning value, Void functions, Inline Functions, Return data type of functions, Functions parameters, Differentiating between Declar2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHAGE-CMSH4PracticalGE 4Unit 4Functions and ArraysUtility of functions, Call by Value, Call by Reference, Functions returning value, Void functions, Inline Functions, Return data type of functions, Functions parameters, Differentiating between Declar2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHAGE-CMSH4TheoryGE 4Unit 5Derived Data Types (Structures and Unions)Understanding utility of structures and unions, Declaring, initializing and using simple structures and unions, Manipulating individual members of structures and unions, Array of Structures, Individua2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHAGE-CMSH4PracticalGE 4Unit 5Derived Data Types (Structures and Unions)Understanding utility of structures and unions, Declaring, initializing and using simple structures and unions, Manipulating individual members of structures and unions, Array of Structures, Individua2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHAGE-CMSH4TheoryGE 4Unit 6File I/O, Preprocessor DirectivesOpening and closing a file (use of fstream header file, ifstream, ofstream and fstream classes), Reading and writing Text Files, Using put(), get(), read() and write() functions, Random access in file2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHAGE-CMSH4PracticalGE 4Unit 6File I/O, Preprocessor DirectivesOpening and closing a file (use of fstream header file, ifstream, ofstream and fstream classes), Reading and writing Text Files, Using put(), get(), read() and write() functions, Random access in file2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHAGE-CMSH4TheoryGE 4Unit 7Using Classes in C++Principles of Object-Oriented Programming, Defining & Using Classes, Class Constructors, Constructor Overloading, Function overloading in classes, Class Variables &Functions, Objects as parameters, Sp2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHAGE-CMSH4PracticalGE 4Unit 7Using Classes in C++Principles of Object-Oriented Programming, Defining & Using Classes, Class Constructors, Constructor Overloading, Function overloading in classes, Class Variables &Functions, Objects as parameters, Sp2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHAGE-CMSH4TheoryGE 4Unit 8Inheritance and PolymorphismIntroduction to Inheritance and Polymorphism2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHAGE-CMSH4PracticalGE 4Unit 8Inheritance and PolymorphismIntroduction to Inheritance and Polymorphism2
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH5TheoryCore-12Unit 2Graphics HardwareArchitecture of Raster and Random scan display devices, input/output devices5
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH5TheoryCore-12Unit 3Fundamental Techniques in GraphicsRaster scan line, circle and ellipse drawing, thick primitives, Polygon filling, line and polygon clipping algorithms, 2D and 3D Geometric Transformations, 2D and 3D Viewing Transformations (Projectio10
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH5TheoryCore-12Unit 4Geometric ModelingRepresenting curves & Surfaces.5
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH5TheoryCore-12Unit 5Visible Surface determination and Surface renderingHidden surface elimination Illumination and shading models. Basic color models and Computer Animation.7
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH5TheoryCore-12Unit IComputer Graphics:ntroductionBasic elements of Computer graphics, Applications of Computer Graphics3
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH5PracticalCore-12Unit IComputer Graphics LabBresenham’s line drawing algorithm.2
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH5PracticalCore-12Unit 2Computer Graphics Labimplement mid-point circle drawing algorithm2
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH5PracticalCore-12Unit 3Computer Graphics Labclip a line using Cohen and Sutherland line clipping algorithm2
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH5PracticalCore-12Unit 4Computer Graphics Labclip a polygon using Sutherland Hodgeman algorithm2
Computer Scienceprasun sarkarCC-CMSH5PracticalCore-12Unit 5Computer Graphics Laba polygon using Scan line fill algorithm and various 2D transformations on a 2D object2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH6PracticalCore-14Unit IDatabase Management:IntroductionCharacteristics of database approach, data models, database system architectureand data independence.1
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH6PracticalCore-14Unit 2Entity Relationship(ER) ModelingEntity types, relationships, constraints.2
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH6PracticalCore-14Unit 3Relation data modelRelational model concepts, relational constraints, relational algebra, SQLqueries4
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH6PracticalCore-14Unit 4Database designMapping ER/EER model to relational database, functional dependencies,Lossless decomposition, Normalforms(upto BCNF).5
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH6PracticalCore-14Unit 5Transaction ProcessingACID properties, concurrency control 6. File1
Computer ScienceSOMNATH SAHACC-CMSH6PracticalCore-14Unit 6File Structure and IndexingOperations on files, File of Unordered and ordered records, overview of File organizations, Indexing structures for files( Primary index, secondary index, clustering index), Multilevel indexing using 4
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH6TheoryCore-14Unit IDatabase ManagementIntroduction (Characteristics of database approach, data models, database system architectureand data independence. )4
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH6TheoryCore-14Unit 2Database ManagementEntity Relationship(ER) Modeling (Entity types, relationships, constraints. )4
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH6TheoryCore-14Unit 3Database ManagementRelation data model (Relational model concepts, relational constraints, relational algebra, SQL queries)10
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH6TheoryCore-14Unit 4Database ManagementDatabase design (Mapping ER/EER model to relational database, functional dependencies,Lossless decomposition, Normalforms (upto BCNF). )15
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH6TheoryCore-14Unit 5Database ManagementTransaction Processing (ACID properties, concurrency control )3
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH6TheoryCore-14Unit 6Database ManagementFile Structure and Indexing (Operations on files, File of Unordered and ordered records, overview of File organizations, Indexing structures for files( Primary index, secondary index, clustering inde8
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH6PracticalCore-14Unit IDatabase Management Systems LabOracle installation & Database creation2
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH6PracticalCore-14Unit 2Database Management Systems LabSQL Select statement, Clauses, datatypes6
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH6PracticalCore-14Unit 3Database Management Systems LabSQL insert, update, delete, LikeMin, Max, Count, AVG, Sum,10
Computer ScienceDIBYENDU DEYCC-CMSH6PracticalCore-14Unit 4Database Management Systems LabSQL Statement Join, Foreign Key, Function, Constraint10
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHADSC-CMSG6TheoryDSE A2Unit IIntroduction to Computer NetworksNetwork definition; network topologies; network classifications; network protocol; layered network architecture; overview of OSI reference model; overview of TCP/IP protocol suite.3
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHADSC-CMSG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 2Data Communication Fundamentals and TechniquesAnalog and digital signal; data-ratelimits; digital to digital line encoding schemes; pulse code,modulation; parallel and serial transmission; digital to analog modulation-; multiplexing techniques- F5
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHADSC-CMSG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 3Networks Switching Techniques and Access mechanismsCircuit switching; packetswitching- connectionless datagram switching, connection-oriented virtual circuit switching; dial-up modems; digital subscriber line; cable TV for data transfer.5
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHADSC-CMSG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 4Data Link Layer Functions and ProtocolError detection and error correction techniques;data-link control- framing and flow control; error recovery protocols- stop and wait ARQ, go-back-n ARQ; Point to Point Protocol on Internet.5
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHADSC-CMSG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 5Multiple Access Protocol and NetworksCSMA/CD protocols; Ethernet LANS; connectingLAN and back-bone networks- repeaters, hubs, switches, bridges, router and gateways;5
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHADSC-CMSG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 6Networks Layer Functions and ProtocolsRouting; routing algorithms; network layer protocolof Internet- IP protocol, Internet control protocols.3
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHADSC-CMSG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 7Transport Layer Functions and ProtocolsTransport services- error and flow control,Connection establishment and release- three way handshake3
Computer ScienceMADHURIMA MONDAL SAHADSC-CMSG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 8Overview of Application layer protocolOverview of DNS protocol; overview of WWW &HTTP protocol.3
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