Department | Faculty | Subject | Semester | Topic Type | Paper Type | Unit | Topic Desc | Sub Topic | Class |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Theory | Major-1 | Unit I | Ionic equilibrium | 1. Details about electrolytes, Degree of ionization, Factors affecting degree of ionization, ionization constant. | 4 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Theory | Major-1 | Unit 2 | Ionic equilibrium | 2. Ionic product of water, ionization of weak acid and bases, pH, pH scale, salt hydrolysis. | 2 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Theory | Major-1 | Unit I | Behaviour of gaseous state | Ideal and real gases | 0 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Theory | Major-1 | Unit 4 | behaviour of real gases | graphical representations and Boyles temperature | 0 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Theory | Major-1 | Unit 4 | behaviour of real gases | graphical representations and Boyles temperature | 0 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Practical | Major-1 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry (Lab) | Buffer solution preparation | 4 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Practical | Major-1 | Unit 2 | Physical Chemistry (Lab) | Measurement of pH of Buffer solution | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Theory | Major-1 | Unit 3 | Ionic Equilibrium | 3. Buffer solutions; derivation of Henderson equation and its applications. | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Theory | Major-1 | Unit 2 | GOC | | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Theory | Major-1 | Unit 2 | GOC | | 8 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Theory | Major-1 | Unit 2 | Stereochemistry | | 6 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Theory | Major-1 | Unit I | Periodic Properties | Electronegativity | 3 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Select | Major-1 | Unit 4 | Ionic equilibrium | 4. Buffer capacity, buffer range, buffer action Qualitative treatment of acid-base titration curves (calculation of pH at various stages). | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Select | Major-1 | Unit 5 | Ionic equilibrium | 5. Theory of acid- base indicators; selection of indicators and their limitations. | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Practical | Major-1 | Unit I | Detection of special elements | | 8 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 1 | Practical | Major-1 | Unit 3 | Physical Chemistry (Lab) | Buffer Preparation (Practice) | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | GREEN CHEMISTRY (SEC ) | 1 | Practical | SEC-1 | Unit I | Phermaceutical and medicinal | | 0 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | GREEN CHEMISTRY (SEC ) | 1 | Practical | SEC-1 | Unit I | Phermaceutical and medicinal | | 0 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | GREEN CHEMISTRY (SEC ) | 1 | Practical | SEC-1 | Unit I | Phermaceutical and medicinal | | 0 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC ) | 1 | Practical | SEC-1 | Unit 2 | Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry | | 3 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC ) | 1 | Practical | SEC-1 | Unit 2 | Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry | | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry of alkenes Formation of alkenes and alkynes by elimination reaction. Mechanism of E1, E2, E1cB reaction, syn/anti elimination. Saytzeff and Hofmann eliminations. | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Organic Chemistry | syn and anti-addition; addition of H2, X2 Addition of HBr to propene, Free radical addition of HBr to propene. Addition of halogens to alkenes-carbocation and halonium ion mechanism. Stereospecificity | 8 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry of alkynes: oxymercuration-demercuration, hydroboration-oxidation, ozonolysis, hydroxylation, reaction with NBS, Reactions of alkynes; acidity, Alkylation of terminal alkynes, electrophilic | 8 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Organic Chemistry | Chirality, elements of Symmetry, simple axis, plane of symmetry, centre of symmetry, alternating axis of symmetry. Asymmetry & disymmetry, optical activity, specific rotation, molar rotation | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Organic Chemistry | Enantiomerism & Diastereoisomerism, Stereogenic centres, systems with chiral centres, Stereogenic centres involving C=C, C=N; D/L, R/S, E/Z, syn/ anti, cis/trans, meso/dl, threo/erythro nomenclature. | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Practical | Major -2 | Unit I | Organic Chemistry | synthesis of p-Bromo acetanilide | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Practical | Major -2 | Unit I | Organic Chemistry | synthesis of Benzoylation of aniline | 2 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Inorganic Chemistry | Atomic Structure: Bohr’s theory, its limitations and atomic spectrum of hydrogen atom. Wave mechanics: de Broglie equation, Numerical Problems on calculation of wavelength of an electron Heisenberg’s | 6 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Inorganic Chemistry | Schrödinger’s wave equation, significance of ? and ?2 . Hamiltonian operator. Eigen values and function. Concept of orbitals, Radial and angular parts of the hydrogenic wave function (atomic orbitals) | 8 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Inorganic Chemistry | The four types of quantum numbers, shapes, s, p and d atomic orbitals, discovery of spin, spin quantum numbers (s) and magnetic spin quantum number (ms). Electronic configuration of elements. Principl | 8 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Practical | Major -2 | Unit I | Inorganic Chemistry | Preparation of Potash Alum | 4 |
Chemistry | Srabanti Ghosh | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Bonding | lonic bond(General characteristics, types of ions, size effects, radius ratio rule and its limitations) | 1 |
Chemistry | Srabanti Ghosh | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 2 | Bonding | lonic bond(Packing of ions in crystals. Born-Landé equation with derivation and importance of Kapustinskii expression for lattice energy. Madelung constant) | 2 |
Chemistry | Srabanti Ghosh | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 3 | Bonding | lonic bond(Born-Haber cycle and its application, Solvation energy) | 1 |
Chemistry | Srabanti Ghosh | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 4 | Bonding | Covalent bond: Lewis structure, Valence Bond theory (Heitler-London approach). Energetics of hybridization) | 1 |
Chemistry | Srabanti Ghosh | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 5 | Bonding | Covalent bond: equivalent and non-equivalent hybrid orbitals. Resonance and resonance energy, Formal charge, Covalent character in ionic compounds | 1 |
Chemistry | Srabanti Ghosh | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 6 | Bonding | Covalent bond: polarizing power and polarizability. Fajan’s rules and consequences of polarization. | 2 |
Chemistry | Srabanti Ghosh | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Practical | Major -2 | Unit I | preparation of some selected organic/inorganic compounds | preparation of Potash alum | 1 |
Chemistry | Srabanti Ghosh | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Practical | Major -2 | Unit 2 | preparation of some selected organic/inorganic compounds | preparation of Royal blue complex of copper(II) | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry (Liquids) | Nature of liquid state, qualitative treatment of the structure of the liquid state. Physical properties of liquids-vapor pressure, its origin and definition, Vapor pressure of liquids and intermolecul | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 2 | Physical Chemistry (Liquids) | Surface tension, its origin and definition, Capillary action in relation to cohesive and adhesive forces, determination of surface tension by (i) using stalagmometer (drop number and drop mass method | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 3 | Physical Chemistry (Liquids) | capillary rise method, Effects of addition of sodium chloride, ethanol and detergent on the surface tension of water and its interpretation in terms of molecular interactions, Role of surface tension | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 4 | Physical Chemistry (Liquids) | Effects of addition of sodium chloride, ethanol and polymer on the viscosity of water, relative viscosity, specific viscosity and reduced viscosity of a solution, comparison of the origin of viscosity | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry (Gaseous State) | Kinetic molecular model of a gas: postulates and derivation of the kinetic gas equation; collision frequency; collision diameter; mean free path and viscosity of gases, including their temperature and | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 2 | Physical Chemistry (Gaseous State) | Relation between mean free path and coefficient of viscosity, calculation of s from ?; variation of viscosity with temperature and pressure | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 3 | Physical Chemistry (Gaseous State) | Maxwell distribution and its use in evaluating molecular velocities (average, root mean square and most probable) and average kinetic energy | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 4 | Physical Chemistry (Gaseous State) | law of equipartition of energy, degrees of freedom and molecular basis of heat capacities, Barometric distribution law | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Practical | Major -2 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry (Practical) | Surface tension measurement of ethanol-water mixture. (introduction) | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Practical | Major -2 | Unit 2 | Physical Chemistry (Practical) | Surface tension measurement of ethanol-water mixture. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Practical | Major -2 | Unit 3 | Physical Chemistry (Practical) | Surface tension measurement of ethanol-water mixture of unknown concentration. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Practical | Major -2 | Unit 4 | Physical Chemistry (Practical) | Viscosity of glycerol-water mixture. (introduction) | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Practical | Major -2 | Unit 5 | Physical Chemistry (Practical) | Viscosity of glycerol-water mixture. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Practical | Major -2 | Unit 6 | Physical Chemistry (Practical) | Viscosity of glycerol-water mixture of unknown concentration. | 2 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 2 | Collision Theory | Mean Free Path | 2 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 3 | Maxwell distribution of molecular velocity | Average velocity and most probable velocity | 2 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Select | Major -2 | Unit 2 | SURFACE TENSION | CAPILLARY RISE ACTION | 0 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Practical | Major -2 | Unit 7 | Physical Chemistry | Surface tension measurement practice | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Exam | Major -2 | Unit 2 | Physical Chemistry | 2. Internal Examination (Gaseous state) | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Practical | Major -2 | Unit 8 | Physical Chemistry | Viscosity measurement practice | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Exam | Major -2 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry | 1. Internal Examination (liquid) | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 2 | Theory | Major -2 | Unit 5 | Physical Chemistry (Gaseous State) | variation of viscosity with temperature and pressure. | 2 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC ) | 2 | Practical | SEC-2 | Unit I | Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry | pH of soft drinks | 0 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC ) | 2 | Practical | SEC-2 | Unit 2 | Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Preservative from soft drinks | 0 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC ) | 2 | Practical | SEC-2 | Unit 3 | Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry | paper chromatography | 0 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit 2 | Chemical kinetics | Rate and rate constant of reactions | 0 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit 3 | Chemical Kinetics | Order and molecularity | 0 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit 4 | Chemical Kinetics | 2dn order reactions | 0 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics) | 1. Introduction (Intensive and extensive variables; state and path functions; cyclic rule; isolated, closed and open systems; zeroth law of thermodynamics; Concept of heat, work, internal energy.) | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit 2 | Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics) | 2. Statement of first law; enthalpy, H; relation between heat capacities, calculations of q, w, U and H for reversible, irreversible and free expansion of gases under isothermal and adiabatic condit | 4 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit 3 | Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics) | 3. Laws of thermochemistry; Standard states; Heats of reaction; enthalpy of formation and its applications; Heat of neutralization; bond dissociation energy and resonance energy, Kirchhoff’s equatio | 4 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit 4 | Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics) | 4. Need for a Second law; statement of the second law; heat reservoirs and heat engines; Carnot cycle; Physical concept of Entropy; Carnot engine and refrigerator; Kelvin – Planck and Clausius state | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Practical | Major-3 | Unit I | Qualitative analysis of Organic compounds | | 6 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Practical | Major-3 | Unit I | Qualitative analysis of Organic compounds | | 8 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Practical | Major-3 | Unit I | Qualitative analysis of Organic compounds | | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit 2 | Alcohol phenol | | 6 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit 2 | Carbonyl Compound | | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit 2 | Carbonyl Compound | | 8 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-3 | Unit 2 | Carboxylic Acid | | 2 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-4 | Unit I | Module-1 Covalent Bonding: MO Approach | Covalent bonding, MO approach: Rules for the LCAO method, bonding and antibonding MOs and their characteristics for s-s, s-p and p-p combinations of atomic orbitals, nonbonding combination of orbita | 8 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-4 | Unit I | Module-1 Covalent Bonding: MO Approach | Metallic Bond: Qualitative idea of valence bond and band theories. Semiconductors and insulators Weak Chemical Forces: Hydrogen bonding: theories of hydrogen bonding, valence bond treatment, recept | 6 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-4 | Unit 2 | Module-2 Introduction to Nuclear Chemistry | Classification of nuclides based on the number of nucleons- Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones; Nuclear Isomer and isomeric transition; Radius and Density of Nucleus; Nuclear Spin; Shape of Nucleus; Nuclear | 4 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-4 | Unit 2 | Module-2 Introduction to Nuclear Chemistry | Classification of nuclides based on the number of nucleons- Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones; Nuclear Isomer and isomeric transition; Radius and Density of Nucleus; Nuclear Spin; Shape of Nucleus; Nuclear | 5 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-4 | Unit 2 | Module-2 Introduction to Nuclear Chemistry | Classification of nuclides based on the number of nucleons- Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones; Nuclear Isomer and isomeric transition; Radius and Density of Nucleus; Nuclear Spin; Shape of Nucleus; Nuclear | 6 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Theory | Major-4 | Unit 2 | Module-2 Introduction to Nuclear Chemistry | The Neutron to Proton Ratio and Different Modes of Decay; Fajans & Soddy’s Group Displacement Law; Nuclear Reactions; Nuclear Reaction Cross Section; Nuclear Binding Energy and Nuclear Stability; R | 10 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Practical | Major-4 | Unit 4 | Data plotting using Microsoft Excel- Linear and non-linear method. | NIL | 4 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Practical | Major-4 | Unit 4 | Data interpretation and calculation of mean, median, standard deviation using Microsoft Excel. | NIL | 4 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CHEMISTRY (MAJOR ) | 3 | Practical | Select | Unit 2 | determination of rate constant | rate constant of hydrolysis of methyal acetate | 0 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MINOR ) | 3 | Practical | Minor-3 | Unit 5 | Chemistry Practical | Practice | 4 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MINOR ) | 3 | Practical | Minor-3 | Unit 2 | Chemistry Practical | Analysis of organic special element (nitrogen) | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MINOR ) | 3 | Practical | Minor-3 | Unit 3 | Chemistry Practical | Analysis of organic special element (sulphur) | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MINOR ) | 3 | Practical | Minor-3 | Unit 4 | Chemistry Practical | Analysis of organic special element (halogen) | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MINOR ) | 3 | Theory | Minor-3 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics) | 1. Introduction (Basic Thermodynamics: Introduction, thermodynamic terms, work, heat energy.) | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MINOR ) | 3 | Theory | Minor-3 | Unit 2 | Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics) | 2. Zero th law, 1st law, enthalpy, heat capacity, Jule-Thompson effect. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MINOR ) | 3 | Theory | Minor-3 | Unit 3 | Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics) | 3. 2nd law of thermodynamics, entropy, entropy of mixing. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MINOR ) | 3 | Theory | Minor-3 | Unit 4 | Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics) | 4. Carnot cycle, irreversible process, Cp, Cy, entropy & probability. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MINOR ) | 3 | Theory | Minor-3 | Unit 5 | Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics) | 5. Entropy change in chemical reactions and their application. 3rd law of thermodynamics. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MINOR ) | 3 | Theory | Minor-3 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry (Chemical Equilibrium) | 1. Free energy change in a chemical reaction. Thermodynamic derivation of the law of chemical cquilibrium. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MINOR ) | 3 | Theory | Minor-3 | Unit 2 | Physical Chemistry (Chemical Equilibrium) | 2. Relationship between Kp, Kc, Kx. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MINOR ) | 3 | Practical | Minor-3 | Unit 3 | Chemistry Practical | Detection of special elements in organic samples. (Introduction) | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MINOR ) | 3 | Practical | Minor-3 | Unit 2 | Chemistry Practical | 2. Practice the previous experiment. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CHEMISTRY (MINOR ) | 3 | Practical | Minor-3 | Unit I | Chemistry Practical | 1. Estimation of Oxalic acid by titrating it with KMnO4. | 6 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC ) | 3 | Practical | SEC-3 | Unit I | Preparation of Sanitizer (Glycerin based WHO recommended) | Preparation | 4 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC ) | 3 | Practical | SEC-3 | Unit 2 | Preparation of Sanitizer (Aloe vera gel based) | Preparation | 4 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | MEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC ) | 3 | Practical | SEC-3 | Unit 3 | Synthesis of Aspirin | Preparation | 2 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CC-CEMH | 4 | Practical | Core-10 | Unit I | Chemical Kinetics | Determination of rate constant | 3 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CC-CEMH | 4 | Practical | Core-10 | Unit I | Chemical Kinetics | Determination of rate constant | 3 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit I | Organic Chemistry-IV | Carbohydrates Occurrence, classification and their biological importance. Monosaccharides : Constitution and absolute configuration of glucose and fructose, epimers and anomers, mutarotation, determin | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit I | Organic Chemistry-IV | Interconversions of aldoses and ketoses; Killiani- Fischer synthesis and Ruff degradation. Disaccharides – Structure elucidation of maltose, lactose and sucrose. Polysaccharides – Elementary treatment | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit I | Organic Chemistry-IV | Heterocyclic Compounds Classification and nomenclature, Structure, aromaticity in 5-numbered and 6-membered rings containing one heteroatom; Synthesis, reactions and mechanism of substitution reaction | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit I | Organic Chemistry-IV | Heterocyclic Compounds Classification and nomenclature, Structure, aromaticity in 5-numbered and 6-membered rings containing one heteroatom; Synthesis, reactions and mechanism of substitution reaction | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit I | Organic Chemistry-IV | Structure elucidation of indole, Fischer indole synthesis and Madelung synthesis), Structure elucidation of quinoline and isoquinoline, Skraup synthesis, Friedlander’s synthesis, Knorr quinoline synth | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit I | Organic Chemistry-IV | Structure elucidation of indole, Fischer indole synthesis and Madelung synthesis), Structure elucidation of quinoline and isoquinoline, Skraup synthesis, Friedlander’s synthesis, Knorr quinoline synth | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CC-CEMH | 4 | Practical | Core-10 | Unit I | Organic Chemistry-IV | 6. Preparation of urea formaldehyde. 7. Preparation of methyl orange. | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CC-CEMH | 4 | Practical | Core-10 | Unit I | Organic Chemistry-IV | Extraction of caffeine from tea leaves. | 2 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit 3 | Organic Chemistry | Amino acids, Peptides and their classification. | 2 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit 3 | Organic Chemistry | a-Amino Acids - Synthesis, ionic properties and reactions. Zwitterions, pKa values, isoelectric point and electrophoresis. | 4 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit 3 | Organic Chemistry | Study of peptides: determination of their primary structures-end group analysis, methods of peptide synthesis. Synthesis of peptides using N-protecting, C-protecting and C-activating groups -Solid-pha | 4 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit 5 | Organic Chemistry | Carbohydrates Occurrence, classification and their biological importance | 2 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit 5 | Organic Chemistry | Monosaccharides : Constitution and absolute configuration of glucose and fructose, epimers and anomers, mutarotation, determination of ring size of glucose and fructose, Haworth projections and confor | 4 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | Core-10 | Unit 5 | Organic Chemistry | Disaccharides – Structure elucidation of maltose, lactose and sucrose. Polysaccharides – Elementary treatment of starch, cellulose and glycogen | 2 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | Core-8 | Unit 6 | ACTIVATION ENERGY | ARHENIUS EQUATION | 0 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CC-CEMH | 4 | Practical | Core-8 | Unit I | CHEMICAL KINETICS | RATE CONSTANT MEATUREMENT | 0 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | Core-8 | Unit 4 | Chemical Kinetics | Order of the reaction | 3 |
Chemistry | Srabanti Ghosh | CC-CEMH | 4 | Practical | Core-9 | Unit I | Gravimetric Analysis | Estimation of nickel (II) using Dimethylglyoxime (DMG) | 1 |
Chemistry | Srabanti Ghosh | CC-CEMH | 4 | Practical | Core-9 | Unit 2 | Gravimetric Analysis | Estimation of copper as CuSCN | 1 |
Chemistry | Srabanti Ghosh | CC-CEMH | 4 | Practical | Core-9 | Unit 3 | Inorganic Preparations: | Preparation of Tetraamminecopper (II) sulphate, [Cu(NH3)4]SO4.H2O | 1 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit I | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Drugs & Pharmaceuticals | 4 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit 2 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Synthesis of the representative drugs of the following classes: analgesics agents, antipyretic agents, anti-inflammatory agents (Aspirin, paracetamol, lbuprofen); antibiotics (Chloramphenicol); antiba | 4 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit 2 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Synthesis of the representative drugs of the following classes: analgesics agents, antipyretic agents, anti-inflammatory agents (Aspirin, paracetamol, lbuprofen); antibiotics (Chloramphenicol); antiba | 8 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit 3 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Fermentation Aerobic and anaerobic fermentation. Production of (i) Ethyl alcohol and citric acid, (ii) Antibiotics; Penicillin, Cephalosporin, Chloromycetin and Streptomycin, (iii) Lysine, Glutamic ac | 10 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 4 | Practical | SEC2 | Unit I | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Synthesis of Aspirin | 4 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Practical | DSC A4 | Unit 5 | Physical Chemistry | Determination of the viscosity of a dilute solution using an Ostwald’s viscometer. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Practical | DSC A4 | Unit 6 | Physical Chemistry | Determination of the viscosity of a dilute solution of unknown concentration using an Ostwald’s viscometer. | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | DSC A4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Crystal Field Theory | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | DSC A4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Crystal Field Theory | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Practical | DSC A4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Semi-micro qualitative analysis (using H2S or other methods) of mixtures - not more than four ionic species (two anions and two cations, excluding insoluble salts) out of the following: Cations : NH4 | 8 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Practical | DSC A4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Anions : CO3 2– , S2– , SO3 2– , S2O3 2– , NO3 – , CH3COO– , Cl– , Br– , I– , NO3 – , SO4 2- , PO4 3- , BO3 3- , C2O4 2- , F- | 8 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Practical | DSC A4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Anions : CO3 2– , S2– , SO3 2– , S2O3 2– , NO3 – , CH3COO– , Cl– , Br– , I– , NO3 – , SO4 2- , PO4 3- , BO3 3- , C2O4 2- , F- | 8 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | DSC A4 | Unit I | Liquids | Surface tension and its determination using stalagmometer. | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | DSC A4 | Unit 2 | Liquids | Viscosity of a liquid and determination of coefficient of viscosity using Ostwald viscometer. | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | DSC A4 | Unit 3 | Liquids | Effect of temperature on surface tension and coefficient of viscosity of a liquid (qualitative treatment only). ( | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | DSC A4 | Unit I | Solids | Forms of solids. Symmetry elements | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | DSC A4 | Unit 2 | Solids | unit cells, crystal systems, Bravais lattice types and identification of lattice planes. Laws of Crystallography - Law of constancy of interfacial angles, Law of rational indices. Miller indices. X– R | 3 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | DSC A4 | Unit I | Chemical Kinetics | The concept of reaction rates. Effect of temperature, pressure, catalyst and other factors on reaction rates. Order and molecularity of a reaction. Derivation of integrated rate equations for zero, fi | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | DSC A4 | Unit I | Kinetic Theory of Gases | Postulates of Kinetic Theory of Gases and derivation of the kinetic gas equation. Deviation of real gases from ideal behaviour, compressibility factor, causes of deviation. van der Waals equation of s | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | DSC A4 | Unit 2 | Kinetic Theory of Gases | Temperature dependence of these distributions. Most probable, average and root mean square velocities (no derivation). Collision cross section, collision number, collision frequency, collision diamet | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Practical | DSC A4 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry | 1. Surface tension measurement | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Practical | DSC A4 | Unit 2 | Physical Chemistry | Determination of the surface tension of a dilute solution using a stalagmometer. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Practical | DSC A4 | Unit 3 | Physical Chemistry | Determination of the surface tension of a dilute solution of unknown concentration using a stalagmometer. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Practical | DSC A4 | Unit 4 | Physical Chemistry | 2. Viscosity measurement | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | DSC A4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Transition Elements (3d series) General group trends with special reference to electronic configuration, variable valency, colour, magnetic and catalytic properties, ability to form complexes and stab | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | DSC A4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Transition Elements (3d series) General group trends with special reference to electronic configuration, variable valency, colour, magnetic and catalytic properties, ability to form complexes and stab | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | DSC A4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Coordination Chemistry | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | DSC A4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Coordination Chemistry | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Practical | DSC A4 | Unit 7 | Physical Chemistry | 1. Surface Tension (Practice) | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Practical | DSC A4 | Unit 8 | Physical Chemistry | 1. Viscosity (Practice) | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Exam | DSC A4 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry | Liquid and Gaseous State | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Exam | DSC A4 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry | Liquid and Gaseous State | 2 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit I | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Drugs & Pharmaceuticals | 4 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit 2 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Synthesis of the representative drugs of the following classes: analgesics agents, antipyretic agents, anti-inflammatory agents (Aspirin, paracetamol, lbuprofen); antibiotics (Chloramphenicol); antiba | 12 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Theory | SEC2 | Unit 3 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Fermentation Aerobic and anaerobic fermentation. Production of (i) Ethyl alcohol and citric acid, (ii) Antibiotics; Penicillin, Cephalosporin, Chloromycetin and Streptomycin, (iii) Lysine, Glutamic ac | 12 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Practical | SEC2 | Unit I | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Preparation of Aspirin and its analysis. | 4 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | DSC-CEMG | 4 | Practical | SEC2 | Unit I | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Preparation of magnesium bisilicate (Antacid) | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | GE-CEMH | 4 | Theory | GE 4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Coordination Chemistry | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | GE-CEMH | 4 | Theory | GE 4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Coordination Chemistry | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | GE-CEMH | 4 | Theory | GE 4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Crystal Field Theory | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | GE-CEMH | 4 | Theory | GE 4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Crystal Field Theory | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | GE-CEMH | 4 | Theory | GE 4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Transition Elements (3d series) General group trends with special reference to electronic configuration, variable valency, colour, magnetic and catalytic properties, ability to form complexes and stab | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | GE-CEMH | 4 | Theory | GE 4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Transition Elements (3d series) General group trends with special reference to electronic configuration, variable valency, colour, magnetic and catalytic properties, ability to form complexes and stab | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | GE-CEMH | 4 | Practical | GE 4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Anions : CO3 2– , S2– , SO3 2– , S2O3 2– , NO3 – , CH3COO– , Cl– , Br– , I– , NO3 – , SO4 2- , PO4 3- , BO3 3- , C2O4 2- , F- | 8 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | GE-CEMH | 4 | Practical | GE 4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Anions : CO3 2– , S2– , SO3 2– , S2O3 2– , NO3 – , CH3COO– , Cl– , Br– , I– , NO3 – , SO4 2- , PO4 3- , BO3 3- , C2O4 2- , F- | 8 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | GE-CEMH | 4 | Practical | GE 4 | Unit I | Section B- Inorganic Chemistry | Semi-micro qualitative analysis (using H2S or other methods) of mixtures - not more than four ionic species (two anions and two cations, excluding insoluble salts) out of the following: Cations : NH4 | 8 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Practical | GE 4 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry | 1. Surface tension measurement | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Practical | GE 4 | Unit 2 | Physical Chemistry | Determination of the surface tension of a dilute solution using a stalagmometer. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Practical | GE 4 | Unit 3 | Physical Chemistry | Determination of the surface tension of a dilute solution of unknown concentration using a stalagmometer | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Practical | GE 4 | Unit 4 | Physical Chemistry | 2. Viscosity measurement. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Practical | GE 4 | Unit 5 | Physical Chemistry | Determination of the viscosity of a dilute solution using an Ostwald’s viscometer. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Practical | GE 4 | Unit 6 | Physical Chemistry | Determination of the viscosity of a dilute solution of unknown concentration using an Ostwald’s viscometer. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Practical | GE 4 | Unit 7 | Physical Chemistry | 1. Surface tension (practice) | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Theory | GE 4 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry (Liquid) | Surface tension and its determination using stalagmometer. Viscosity of a liquid and determination of coefficient of viscosity using Ostwald viscometer. | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Theory | GE 4 | Unit 2 | Physical Chemistry (Liquid) | Effect of temperature on surface tension and coefficient of viscosity of a liquid (qualitative treatment). | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Theory | GE 4 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry (Solids) | Forms of solids. Symmetry elements, unit cells, crystal systems, Bravais lattice types and identification of lattice planes. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Theory | GE 4 | Unit 2 | Physical Chemistry (Solids) | Laws of Crystallography - Law of constancy of interfacial angles, Law of rational indices. Miller indices. X– Ray diffraction by crystals, Bragg’s law. | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Theory | GE 4 | Unit 3 | Physical Chemistry (Solids) | Structures of NaCl, KCl and CsCl (qualitative treatment only). Defects in crystals. Glasses and liquid crystals. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Theory | GE 4 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry (Chemical Kinetics) | Rate law, order and molecularity | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Exam | GE 4 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry | Liquid and Gaseous State | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Exam | GE 4 | Unit 2 | Internal Examination | Physical and Inorganic Chemistry | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Exam | GE 4 | Unit I | Internal Examination | Physical Chemistry | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | GE-CEMH | 4 | Theory | GE 4 | Unit 2 | Physical (Chemical Kinetics) | 2. Rate of reaction. | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 5 | Theory | Core-11 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry (Conductance) | 1. Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation. Conductivity, equivalent and molar conductivity. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 5 | Theory | Core-11 | Unit 2 | Physical Chemistry (Conductance) | 2. Variation of conductivity with dilution for weak and strong electrolytes. Molar conductivity at infinite dilution. Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 5 | Theory | Core-11 | Unit 3 | Physical Chemistry (Conductance) | 3. Debye-Hückel-Onsager equation, Wien effect, Debye-Falkenhagen effect, Walden's rules. Quantitative aspects of Faraday's laws of electrolysis. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 5 | Theory | Core-11 | Unit 4 | Physical Chemistry (Conductance) | 4. lonic velocities, mobilities and their determinations, transference numbers and their relation to ionic mobilities, determination of transference numbers using Hittorf and Moving Boundary methods. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 5 | Theory | Core-11 | Unit 5 | Physical Chemistry (Conductance) | 5. Applications of conductance measurement: (i) degree of dissociation of weak electrolytes, (i) ionic product of water (iil) solubility and solubility product of sparingly soluble salts, (iv) conduct | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 5 | Practical | Core-11 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry (Practical) | 1. Conductometric titration (Introduction) | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 5 | Practical | Core-11 | Unit 2 | Physical Chemistry (Practical) | 1. Conductometric titration (Strong acid vs Strong base) | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 5 | Practical | Core-11 | Unit 3 | Physical Chemistry (Practical) | 1. Conductometric titration (Weak acid vs Strong base) | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 5 | Practical | Core-11 | Unit 4 | Physical Chemistry (Practical) | Conductometric titration (Dibasic Weak acid vs Strong base) | 2 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 5 | Theory | DSE1 | Unit I | Qualitative and quantitative aspects of analysis | Sampling, evaluation of analytical data, errors, accuracy and precision, methods of their expression, normal law of distribution if indeterminate errors, statistical test of data; F, Q and t test, re | 10 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 5 | Theory | DSE1 | Unit 2 | Optical methods of analysis: | Origin of spectra, interaction of radiation with matter, fundamental laws of spectroscopy and selection rules, validity of Beer-Lambert’s law. | 5 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 5 | Theory | DSE1 | Unit 3 | UV-Visible Spectrometry | Basic principles of instrumentation (choice of source, monochromator and detector) for single and double beam instrument. Basic principles of quantitative analysis: estimation of metal ions from aqu | 10 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 5 | Theory | DSE1 | Unit 4 | Infrared Spectrometry | Basic principles of instrumentation (choice of source, monochromator & detector) for single and double beam instrument; sampling techniques. Structural illustration through interpretation of data, E | 5 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 5 | Theory | DSE1 | Unit 5 | Flame Atomic Absorption and Emission Spectrometry | Basic principles of instrumentation (choice of source, monochromator, detector, choice of flame and Burner designs. Techniques of atomization and sample introduction; Method of background correction | 5 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 5 | Theory | DSE1 | Unit 6 | Thermal methods of analysis | Theory of thermogravimetry (TG), basic principle of instrumentation. Techniques for quantitative estimation of Ca and Mg from their mixture. | 5 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 5 | Theory | DSE1 | Unit 7 | Electroanalytical methods | Classification of electroanalytical methods, basic principle of pH metric, potentiometric and conductometric titrations. Techniques used for the determination of equivalence points. Techniques used f | 10 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 5 | Theory | DSE1 | Unit 8 | Separation techniques | Solvent extraction: Classification, principle and efficiency of the technique. Mechanism of extraction: extraction by solvation and chelation. Technique of extraction: batch, continuous and counter | 15 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 5 | Practical | DSE1 | Unit I | Determine the composition of the Ferric-salicylate/ ferric-thiocyanate complex by Job’s method. | Determine the composition of the Ferric-salicylate/ ferric-thiocyanate complex by Job’s method. | 2 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 5 | Practical | DSE1 | Unit 2 | Determination of pH of soil. | Determination of pH of soil. | 2 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 5 | Practical | DSE1 | Unit 3 | Determine the pH of the given aerated drinks fruit juices, shampoos and soaps. | Determine the pH of the given aerated drinks fruit juices, shampoos and soaps. | 2 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | CC-CEMH | 5 | Practical | DSE1 | Unit 4 | Benzoic acid determination from Soft drinks | Benzoic acid determination from Soft drinks | 2 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CC-CEMH | 5 | Theory | DSE2 | Unit 5 | Chemical fertilisers | composition & preparation of fertilisers | 0 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CC-CEMH | 5 | Theory | DSE2 | Unit 6 | Chemical fertilisers | NPK & Ammonium nitrate | 0 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (H) | 5 | Theory | CC12 | Unit 2 | Organic Spectroscopy | | 8 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (H) | 5 | Theory | CC12 | Unit 2 | Organic Spectroscopy | | 2 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (H) | 5 | Theory | CC12 | Unit 2 | Pericyclic Reactions | | 8 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (H) | 5 | Theory | CC12 | Unit 2 | Pericyclic Reactions | | 4 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (H) | 5 | Practical | CC12 | Unit 2 | Separation of Binary mixture | | 8 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (H) | 5 | Practical | CC12 | Unit 2 | Separation of Binary mixture | | 8 |
Chemistry | Arighna Saha | CHEMISTRY (H) | 5 | Practical | CC12 | Unit 2 | Separation of Binary mixture | | 4 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | DSC-CEMG | 5 | Theory | DSE C1 | Unit 2 | Chemical fertilisers | urea & ammonium nitrate | 0 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | DSC-CEMG | 5 | Theory | DSE C1 | Unit 5 | preparation of the fertilisers | urea and ammonium sulphates | 0 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | DSC-CEMG | 5 | Theory | DSE C1 | Unit 3 | Fertilisers | Sources and Classification of the Fertilisers | 0 |
Chemistry | Srabanti Ghosh | CC-CEMH | 6 | Theory | Core-13 | Unit 3 | Organometallic Compounds | -acceptor behaviour of CO (MO diagram of CO to be discussed), synergic effect and use of IR data to explain extent of back bonding. Zeise’s salt : Preparation and structure, evidences of synergic eff | 1 |
Chemistry | Srabanti Ghosh | CC-CEMH | 6 | Theory | Core-13 | Unit 4 | Organometallic Compounds | Metal Alkyls : Important structural features of methyl lithium (tetramer) and trialkyl aluminium (dimer), concept of multicentre bonding in these compounds. Role of triethylaluminium in polymerisation | 1 |
Chemistry | Srabanti Ghosh | CC-CEMH | 6 | Theory | Core-13 | Unit I | Organometallic Compounds | Definition and classification of organometallic compounds on the basis of bond type. Concept of hapticity of organic ligands.Metal carbonyls : 18 electron rule, electron count of mononuclear, polynucl | 1 |
Chemistry | Srabanti Ghosh | CC-CEMH | 6 | Theory | Core-13 | Unit 2 | Organometallic Compounds | General methods of preparation (direct combination, reductive carbonylation, thermal and photochemical decomposition) of mono and binuclear carbonyls of 3d series. Structures of mononuclear and binucl | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Practical | Core-14 | Unit 3 | Verify Lambert-Beer’s law and determine the concentration of CuSO4/KMnO4/K2Cr2O7 in a solution of unknown concentration | Verify Lambert-Beer’s law and determine the concentration of KMnO4 in a solution of unknown concentration | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Practical | Core-14 | Unit 4 | Verify Lambert-Beer’s law and determine the concentration of CuSO4/KMnO4/K2Cr2O7 in a solution of unknown concentration | Verify Lambert-Beer’s law and determine the concentration of K2Cr2O7 in a solution of unknown concentration | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Practical | Core-14 | Unit 5 | Verify Lambert-Beer’s law and determine the concentration of CuSO4/KMnO4/K2Cr2O7 in a solution of unknown concentration | Verify Lambert-Beer’s law and determine the concentration of CuSO4 in a solution of unknown concentration | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Practical | Core-14 | Unit I | Study the 200-500 nm absorbance spectra and determine the ?max values. | Study the 200-500 nm absorbance spectra of KMnO4 (in 0.1 M H2SO4) and determine the ?max values. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Practical | Core-14 | Unit 2 | Study the 200-500 nm absorbance spectra and determine the lamda max values. | Study the 200-500 nm absorbance spectra of K2Cr2O7 (in 0.1 M H2SO4) and determine the lamda max values. | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Theory | Core-14 | Unit I | Quantum Chemistry | 1. Postulates of quantum mechanics, quantum mechanical operators, Schrödinger equation and its application to free particle and “particle-in-a-box” (rigorous treatment), quantization of energy levels, | 4 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Theory | Core-14 | Unit 2 | Quantum Chemistry | 2. Qualitative treatment of simple harmonic oscillator model of vibrational motion: Setting up of Schrödinger equation and discussion of solution and wavefunctions. Vibrational energy of diatomic mole | 4 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Theory | Core-14 | Unit 3 | Quantum Chemistry | 3. Angular momentum: Commutation rules, quantization of square of total angular momentum and z-component. Rigid rotator model of rotation of diatomic molecule. Schrödinger equation, transformation to | 4 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Theory | Core-14 | Unit 4 | Quantum Chemistry | 4. Qualitative treatment of hydrogen atom and hydrogen-like ions: setting up of Schrödinger equation in spherical polar coordinates, radial part, quantization of energy (only final energy expression). | 4 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Theory | Core-14 | Unit 5 | Quantum Chemistry | 5. Setting up of Schrödinger equation for many-electron atoms (He, Li). Need for approximation methods. Statement of variation theorem and application to simple systems (particle-in-a-box, harmonic os | 4 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Theory | Core-14 | Unit 6 | Quantum Chemistry | 6. Chemical bonding: Covalent bonding, valence bond and molecular orbital approaches, LCAOMO treatment of H2 +. Bonding and antibonding orbitals. Qualitative extension to H2. Comparison of LCAO-MO and | 4 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Practical | Core-14 | Unit 6 | Physical Chemistry | Lambert-Beer’s law validity verification for KMNO4 solution (practice) | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Exam | Core-14 | Unit I | Physical Chemistry | 1. Internal Examination (Quantum theory) | 1 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Exam | Core-14 | Unit 2 | Physical Chemistry | 2. Internal Examination (Quantum theory) | 1 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CC-CEMH | 6 | Theory | Core-14 | Unit 2 | MOLECULAR SPECTOSCOPY | VIBRATIONAL MODE | 0 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CC-CEMH | 6 | Theory | Core-14 | Unit 6 | BOND STRECHING | EXPLANATIONS WITH EXAMPLES | 0 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Practical | Core-14 | Unit 6 | Physical Chemistry | Practice | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Practical | Core-14 | Unit 7 | Physical Chemistry | Practice | 2 |
Chemistry | Subarna Panchanan | CC-CEMH | 6 | Practical | Core-14 | Unit 8 | Physical Chemistry | Practice | 2 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CC-CEMH | 6 | Theory | DSE3 | Unit 2 | Principle of Green Chemistry | Green Solvent | 2 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CC-CEMH | 6 | Practical | DSE3 | Unit I | GREEN CHEMISTRY | BIO DIESEL | 2 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CC-CEMH | 6 | Theory | DSE4 | Unit 7 | NATURAL POLYMERS | POLYISOPRINE | 0 |
Chemistry | RABINDRA DEY | CC-CEMH | 6 | Theory | DSE4 | Unit I | Classification of Polymer | Co-polymer | 1 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | DSC-CEMG | 6 | Theory | DSE A2 | Unit I | Polymer Chemistry | Introduction and history of polymeric materials: Different schemes of classification of polymers, Polymer nomenclature, Molecular forces and chemical bonding in polymers, Texture of Polymers. | 4 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | DSC-CEMG | 6 | Theory | DSE A2 | Unit 2 | Polymer Chemistry | Functionality and its importance: Criteria for synthetic polymer formation, classification of polymerization processes, Relationships between functionality, extent of reaction and degree of polymeriza | 6 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | DSC-CEMG | 6 | Theory | DSE A2 | Unit 3 | Polymer Chemistry | Kinetics of Polymerization: Mechanism and kinetics of step growth, radical chain growth, ionic chain (both cationic and anionic) and coordination polymerizations, Mechanism and kinetics of copolymeriz | 3 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | DSC-CEMG | 6 | Theory | DSE A2 | Unit 4 | Polymer Chemistry | Crystallization and crystallinity: Determination of crystalline melting point and degree of crystallinity, Morphology of crystalline polymers, Factors affecting crystalline melting point. | 4 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | DSC-CEMG | 6 | Theory | DSE A2 | Unit 5 | Polymer Chemistry | Nature and structure of polymers-Structure Property relationships. Determination of molecular weight of polymers (Mn, Mw, etc) by end group analysis, viscometry, light scattering and osmotic pressure | 3 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | DSC-CEMG | 6 | Theory | DSE A2 | Unit 6 | Polymer Chemistry | Glass transition temperature (Tg) and determination of Tg, Free volume theory, WLF equation, Factors affecting glass transition temperature (Tg). | 2 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | DSC-CEMG | 6 | Theory | DSE A2 | Unit 7 | Polymer Chemistry | Polymer Solution – Criteria for polymer solubility, Solubility parameter, Thermodynamics of polymer solutions, entropy, enthalpy, and free energy change of mixing of polymers solutions, Flory- Huggins | 4 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | DSC-CEMG | 6 | Theory | DSE A2 | Unit 8 | Polymer Chemistry | Properties of Polymers (Physical, thermal, Flow & Mechanical Properties). Brief introduction to preparation, structure, properties and application of the following polymers: polyolefins, polystyrene a | 8 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | DSC-CEMG | 6 | Practical | DSE A2 | Unit I | Polymer Chemistry | Preparation of urea-formaldehyde resin | 4 |
Chemistry | Snehasis Bhakta | DSC-CEMG | 6 | Practical | DSE A2 | Unit I | Polymer Chemistry | Preparation of urea-formaldehyde resin | 4 |