DepartmentFacultySubjectSemesterTopic TypePaper TypeUnitTopic DescSub TopicClass
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1TheoryMajor-1Unit IIonic equilibrium 1. Details about electrolytes, Degree of ionization, Factors affecting degree of ionization, ionization constant. 4
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1TheoryMajor-1Unit 2Ionic equilibrium 2. Ionic product of water, ionization of weak acid and bases, pH, pH scale, salt hydrolysis. 2
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1TheoryMajor-1Unit IBehaviour of gaseous stateIdeal and real gases0
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1TheoryMajor-1Unit 4behaviour of real gasesgraphical representations and Boyles temperature0
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1TheoryMajor-1Unit 4behaviour of real gasesgraphical representations and Boyles temperature0
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1PracticalMajor-1Unit IPhysical Chemistry (Lab)Buffer solution preparation 4
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1PracticalMajor-1Unit 2Physical Chemistry (Lab)Measurement of pH of Buffer solution 2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1TheoryMajor-1Unit 3Ionic Equilibrium 3. Buffer solutions; derivation of Henderson equation and its applications.2
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1TheoryMajor-1Unit 2GOC 4
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1TheoryMajor-1Unit 2GOC 8
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1TheoryMajor-1Unit 2Stereochemistry 6
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1TheoryMajor-1Unit IPeriodic PropertiesElectronegativity 3
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1SelectMajor-1Unit 4Ionic equilibrium 4. Buffer capacity, buffer range, buffer action Qualitative treatment of acid-base titration curves (calculation of pH at various stages).2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1SelectMajor-1Unit 5Ionic equilibrium 5. Theory of acid- base indicators; selection of indicators and their limitations.2
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1PracticalMajor-1Unit IDetection of special elements 8
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )1PracticalMajor-1Unit 3Physical Chemistry (Lab)Buffer Preparation (Practice)4
ChemistryArighna SahaGREEN CHEMISTRY (SEC )1PracticalSEC-1Unit IPhermaceutical and medicinal  0
ChemistryArighna SahaGREEN CHEMISTRY (SEC )1PracticalSEC-1Unit IPhermaceutical and medicinal  0
ChemistryArighna SahaGREEN CHEMISTRY (SEC )1PracticalSEC-1Unit IPhermaceutical and medicinal  0
ChemistryArighna SahaMEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC )1PracticalSEC-1Unit 2Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry 3
ChemistryArighna SahaMEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC )1PracticalSEC-1Unit 2Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit IOrganic ChemistryChemistry of alkenes Formation of alkenes and alkynes by elimination reaction. Mechanism of E1, E2, E1cB reaction, syn/anti elimination. Saytzeff and Hofmann eliminations. 4
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit IOrganic Chemistrysyn and anti-addition; addition of H2, X2 Addition of HBr to propene, Free radical addition of HBr to propene. Addition of halogens to alkenes-carbocation and halonium ion mechanism. Stereospecificity8
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit IOrganic ChemistryChemistry of alkynes: oxymercuration-demercuration, hydroboration-oxidation, ozonolysis, hydroxylation, reaction with NBS, Reactions of alkynes; acidity, Alkylation of terminal alkynes, electrophilic 8
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit IOrganic ChemistryChirality, elements of Symmetry, simple axis, plane of symmetry, centre of symmetry, alternating axis of symmetry. Asymmetry & disymmetry, optical activity, specific rotation, molar rotation4
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit IOrganic ChemistryEnantiomerism & Diastereoisomerism, Stereogenic centres, systems with chiral centres, Stereogenic centres involving C=C, C=N; D/L, R/S, E/Z, syn/ anti, cis/trans, meso/dl, threo/erythro nomenclature. 4
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit IOrganic Chemistrysynthesis of p-Bromo acetanilide2
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit IOrganic Chemistrysynthesis of Benzoylation of aniline2
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit IInorganic ChemistryAtomic Structure: Bohr’s theory, its limitations and atomic spectrum of hydrogen atom. Wave mechanics: de Broglie equation, Numerical Problems on calculation of wavelength of an electron Heisenberg’s 6
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit IInorganic ChemistrySchrödinger’s wave equation, significance of ? and ?2 . Hamiltonian operator. Eigen values and function. Concept of orbitals, Radial and angular parts of the hydrogenic wave function (atomic orbitals)8
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit IInorganic ChemistryThe four types of quantum numbers, shapes, s, p and d atomic orbitals, discovery of spin, spin quantum numbers (s) and magnetic spin quantum number (ms). Electronic configuration of elements. Principl8
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit IInorganic ChemistryPreparation of Potash Alum4
ChemistrySrabanti GhoshCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit IBondinglonic bond(General characteristics, types of ions, size effects, radius ratio rule and its limitations)1
ChemistrySrabanti GhoshCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 2Bondinglonic bond(Packing of ions in crystals. Born-Landé equation with derivation and importance of Kapustinskii expression for lattice energy. Madelung constant)2
ChemistrySrabanti GhoshCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 3Bondinglonic bond(Born-Haber cycle and its application, Solvation energy)1
ChemistrySrabanti GhoshCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 4BondingCovalent bond: Lewis structure, Valence Bond theory (Heitler-London approach). Energetics of hybridization)1
ChemistrySrabanti GhoshCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 5BondingCovalent bond: equivalent and non-equivalent hybrid orbitals. Resonance and resonance energy, Formal charge, Covalent character in ionic compounds1
ChemistrySrabanti GhoshCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 6BondingCovalent bond: polarizing power and polarizability. Fajan’s rules and consequences of polarization.2
ChemistrySrabanti GhoshCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit Ipreparation of some selected organic/inorganic compoundspreparation of Potash alum1
ChemistrySrabanti GhoshCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 2preparation of some selected organic/inorganic compoundspreparation of Royal blue complex of copper(II)1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit IPhysical Chemistry (Liquids)Nature of liquid state, qualitative treatment of the structure of the liquid state. Physical properties of liquids-vapor pressure, its origin and definition, Vapor pressure of liquids and intermolecul2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 2Physical Chemistry (Liquids)Surface tension, its origin and definition, Capillary action in relation to cohesive and adhesive forces, determination of surface tension by (i) using stalagmometer (drop number and drop mass method 2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 3Physical Chemistry (Liquids)capillary rise method, Effects of addition of sodium chloride, ethanol and detergent on the surface tension of water and its interpretation in terms of molecular interactions, Role of surface tension 2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 4Physical Chemistry (Liquids)Effects of addition of sodium chloride, ethanol and polymer on the viscosity of water, relative viscosity, specific viscosity and reduced viscosity of a solution, comparison of the origin of viscosity2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit IPhysical Chemistry (Gaseous State)Kinetic molecular model of a gas: postulates and derivation of the kinetic gas equation; collision frequency; collision diameter; mean free path and viscosity of gases, including their temperature and2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 2Physical Chemistry (Gaseous State)Relation between mean free path and coefficient of viscosity, calculation of s from ?; variation of viscosity with temperature and pressure2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 3Physical Chemistry (Gaseous State)Maxwell distribution and its use in evaluating molecular velocities (average, root mean square and most probable) and average kinetic energy2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 4Physical Chemistry (Gaseous State)law of equipartition of energy, degrees of freedom and molecular basis of heat capacities, Barometric distribution law2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit IPhysical Chemistry (Practical)Surface tension measurement of ethanol-water mixture. (introduction)2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 2Physical Chemistry (Practical)Surface tension measurement of ethanol-water mixture.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 3Physical Chemistry (Practical)Surface tension measurement of ethanol-water mixture of unknown concentration.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 4Physical Chemistry (Practical)Viscosity of glycerol-water mixture. (introduction)2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 5Physical Chemistry (Practical)Viscosity of glycerol-water mixture. 2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 6Physical Chemistry (Practical)Viscosity of glycerol-water mixture of unknown concentration.2
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 2Collision TheoryMean Free Path2
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 3Maxwell distribution of molecular velocityAverage velocity and most probable velocity2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 7Physical Chemistry Surface tension measurement practice 2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2ExamMajor -2Unit 2Physical Chemistry 2. Internal Examination (Gaseous state)1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2PracticalMajor -2Unit 8Physical Chemistry Viscosity measurement practice 2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2ExamMajor -2Unit IPhysical Chemistry 1. Internal Examination (liquid)1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )2TheoryMajor -2Unit 5Physical Chemistry (Gaseous State)variation of viscosity with temperature and pressure.2
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaMEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC )2PracticalSEC-2Unit IMedicinal and Pharmaceutical ChemistrypH of soft drinks0
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaMEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC )2PracticalSEC-2Unit 2Medicinal and Pharmaceutical ChemistryPreservative from soft drinks0
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaMEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC )2PracticalSEC-2Unit 3Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistrypaper chromatography 0
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-3Unit 2Chemical kineticsRate and rate constant of reactions0
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-3Unit 3Chemical KineticsOrder and molecularity0
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-3Unit 4Chemical Kinetics2dn order reactions0
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-3Unit IPhysical Chemistry (Thermodynamics)1. Introduction (Intensive and extensive variables; state and path functions; cyclic rule; isolated, closed and open systems; zeroth law of thermodynamics; Concept of heat, work, internal energy.)2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-3Unit 2Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics)2. Statement of first law; enthalpy, H; relation between heat capacities, calculations of q, w, U and H for reversible, irreversible and free expansion of gases under isothermal and adiabatic condit4
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-3Unit 3Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics)3. Laws of thermochemistry; Standard states; Heats of reaction; enthalpy of formation and its applications; Heat of neutralization; bond dissociation energy and resonance energy, Kirchhoff’s equatio4
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-3Unit 4Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics)4. Need for a Second law; statement of the second law; heat reservoirs and heat engines; Carnot cycle; Physical concept of Entropy; Carnot engine and refrigerator; Kelvin – Planck and Clausius state2
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3PracticalMajor-3Unit IQualitative analysis of Organic compounds 6
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3PracticalMajor-3Unit IQualitative analysis of Organic compounds 8
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3PracticalMajor-3Unit IQualitative analysis of Organic compounds 4
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-3Unit 2Alcohol phenol 6
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-3Unit 2Carbonyl Compound 2
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-3Unit 2Carbonyl Compound 8
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-3Unit 2Carboxylic Acid 2
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-4Unit IModule-1 Covalent Bonding: MO ApproachCovalent bonding, MO approach: Rules for the LCAO method, bonding and antibonding MOs and their characteristics for s-s, s-p and p-p combinations of atomic orbitals, nonbonding combination of orbita8
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-4Unit IModule-1 Covalent Bonding: MO ApproachMetallic Bond: Qualitative idea of valence bond and band theories. Semiconductors and insulators Weak Chemical Forces: Hydrogen bonding: theories of hydrogen bonding, valence bond treatment, recept6
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-4Unit 2Module-2 Introduction to Nuclear ChemistryClassification of nuclides based on the number of nucleons- Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones; Nuclear Isomer and isomeric transition; Radius and Density of Nucleus; Nuclear Spin; Shape of Nucleus; Nuclear4
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-4Unit 2Module-2 Introduction to Nuclear ChemistryClassification of nuclides based on the number of nucleons- Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones; Nuclear Isomer and isomeric transition; Radius and Density of Nucleus; Nuclear Spin; Shape of Nucleus; Nuclear5
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-4Unit 2Module-2 Introduction to Nuclear ChemistryClassification of nuclides based on the number of nucleons- Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones; Nuclear Isomer and isomeric transition; Radius and Density of Nucleus; Nuclear Spin; Shape of Nucleus; Nuclear6
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3TheoryMajor-4Unit 2Module-2 Introduction to Nuclear ChemistryThe Neutron to Proton Ratio and Different Modes of Decay; Fajans & Soddy’s Group Displacement Law; Nuclear Reactions; Nuclear Reaction Cross Section; Nuclear Binding Energy and Nuclear Stability; R10
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3PracticalMajor-4Unit 4Data plotting using Microsoft Excel- Linear and non-linear method. NIL4
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3PracticalMajor-4Unit 4Data interpretation and calculation of mean, median, standard deviation using Microsoft Excel. NIL4
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCHEMISTRY (MAJOR )3PracticalSelectUnit 2determination of rate constantrate constant of hydrolysis of methyal acetate0
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MINOR )3PracticalMinor-3Unit 5Chemistry PracticalPractice 4
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MINOR )3PracticalMinor-3Unit 2Chemistry Practical Analysis of organic special element (nitrogen)2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MINOR )3PracticalMinor-3Unit 3Chemistry Practical Analysis of organic special element (sulphur)2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MINOR )3PracticalMinor-3Unit 4Chemistry Practical Analysis of organic special element (halogen)2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MINOR )3TheoryMinor-3Unit IPhysical Chemistry (Thermodynamics)1. Introduction (Basic Thermodynamics: Introduction, thermodynamic terms, work, heat energy.)1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MINOR )3TheoryMinor-3Unit 2Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics)2. Zero th law, 1st law, enthalpy, heat capacity, Jule-Thompson effect.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MINOR )3TheoryMinor-3Unit 3Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics)3. 2nd law of thermodynamics, entropy, entropy of mixing.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MINOR )3TheoryMinor-3Unit 4Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics)4. Carnot cycle, irreversible process, Cp, Cy, entropy & probability.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MINOR )3TheoryMinor-3Unit 5Physical Chemistry (Thermodynamics)5. Entropy change in chemical reactions and their application. 3rd law of thermodynamics.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MINOR )3TheoryMinor-3Unit IPhysical Chemistry (Chemical Equilibrium)1. Free energy change in a chemical reaction. Thermodynamic derivation of the law of chemical cquilibrium.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MINOR )3TheoryMinor-3Unit 2Physical Chemistry (Chemical Equilibrium)2. Relationship between Kp, Kc, Kx. 2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MINOR )3PracticalMinor-3Unit 3Chemistry Practical Detection of special elements in organic samples. (Introduction)2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MINOR )3PracticalMinor-3Unit 2Chemistry Practical 2. Practice the previous experiment. 2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CHEMISTRY (MINOR )3PracticalMinor-3Unit IChemistry Practical 1. Estimation of Oxalic acid by titrating it with KMnO4. 6
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaMEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC )3PracticalSEC-3Unit IPreparation of Sanitizer (Glycerin based WHO recommended)Preparation 4
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaMEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC )3PracticalSEC-3Unit 2Preparation of Sanitizer (Aloe vera gel based)Preparation 4
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaMEDICINAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (SEC )3PracticalSEC-3Unit 3Synthesis of AspirinPreparation 2
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCC-CEMH4PracticalCore-10Unit IChemical KineticsDetermination of rate constant3
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCC-CEMH4PracticalCore-10Unit IChemical KineticsDetermination of rate constant3
ChemistryArighna SahaCC-CEMH4TheoryCore-10Unit IOrganic Chemistry-IVCarbohydrates Occurrence, classification and their biological importance. Monosaccharides : Constitution and absolute configuration of glucose and fructose, epimers and anomers, mutarotation, determin4
ChemistryArighna SahaCC-CEMH4TheoryCore-10Unit IOrganic Chemistry-IVInterconversions of aldoses and ketoses; Killiani- Fischer synthesis and Ruff degradation. Disaccharides – Structure elucidation of maltose, lactose and sucrose. Polysaccharides – Elementary treatment4
ChemistryArighna SahaCC-CEMH4TheoryCore-10Unit IOrganic Chemistry-IVHeterocyclic Compounds Classification and nomenclature, Structure, aromaticity in 5-numbered and 6-membered rings containing one heteroatom; Synthesis, reactions and mechanism of substitution reaction4
ChemistryArighna SahaCC-CEMH4TheoryCore-10Unit IOrganic Chemistry-IVHeterocyclic Compounds Classification and nomenclature, Structure, aromaticity in 5-numbered and 6-membered rings containing one heteroatom; Synthesis, reactions and mechanism of substitution reaction4
ChemistryArighna SahaCC-CEMH4TheoryCore-10Unit IOrganic Chemistry-IVStructure elucidation of indole, Fischer indole synthesis and Madelung synthesis), Structure elucidation of quinoline and isoquinoline, Skraup synthesis, Friedlander’s synthesis, Knorr quinoline synth4
ChemistryArighna SahaCC-CEMH4TheoryCore-10Unit IOrganic Chemistry-IVStructure elucidation of indole, Fischer indole synthesis and Madelung synthesis), Structure elucidation of quinoline and isoquinoline, Skraup synthesis, Friedlander’s synthesis, Knorr quinoline synth4
ChemistryArighna SahaCC-CEMH4PracticalCore-10Unit IOrganic Chemistry-IV6. Preparation of urea formaldehyde. 7. Preparation of methyl orange. 4
ChemistryArighna SahaCC-CEMH4PracticalCore-10Unit IOrganic Chemistry-IVExtraction of caffeine from tea leaves. 2
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH4TheoryCore-10Unit 3Organic Chemistry Amino acids, Peptides and their classification.2
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH4TheoryCore-10Unit 3Organic Chemistry a-Amino Acids - Synthesis, ionic properties and reactions. Zwitterions, pKa values, isoelectric point and electrophoresis.4
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH4TheoryCore-10Unit 3Organic Chemistry Study of peptides: determination of their primary structures-end group analysis, methods of peptide synthesis. Synthesis of peptides using N-protecting, C-protecting and C-activating groups -Solid-pha4
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH4TheoryCore-10Unit 5Organic Chemistry Carbohydrates Occurrence, classification and their biological importance2
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH4TheoryCore-10Unit 5Organic Chemistry Monosaccharides : Constitution and absolute configuration of glucose and fructose, epimers and anomers, mutarotation, determination of ring size of glucose and fructose, Haworth projections and confor4
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH4TheoryCore-10Unit 5Organic Chemistry Disaccharides – Structure elucidation of maltose, lactose and sucrose. Polysaccharides – Elementary treatment of starch, cellulose and glycogen2
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCC-CEMH4TheoryCore-8Unit 4Chemical KineticsOrder of the reaction 3
ChemistrySrabanti GhoshCC-CEMH4PracticalCore-9Unit IGravimetric Analysis Estimation of nickel (II) using Dimethylglyoxime (DMG)1
ChemistrySrabanti GhoshCC-CEMH4PracticalCore-9Unit 2Gravimetric Analysis Estimation of copper as CuSCN1
ChemistrySrabanti GhoshCC-CEMH4PracticalCore-9Unit 3Inorganic Preparations:Preparation of Tetraamminecopper (II) sulphate, [Cu(NH3)4]SO4.H2O1
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH4TheorySEC2Unit IPharmaceutical ChemistryDrugs & Pharmaceuticals4
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH4TheorySEC2Unit 2Pharmaceutical ChemistrySynthesis of the representative drugs of the following classes: analgesics agents, antipyretic agents, anti-inflammatory agents (Aspirin, paracetamol, lbuprofen); antibiotics (Chloramphenicol); antiba4
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH4TheorySEC2Unit 2Pharmaceutical ChemistrySynthesis of the representative drugs of the following classes: analgesics agents, antipyretic agents, anti-inflammatory agents (Aspirin, paracetamol, lbuprofen); antibiotics (Chloramphenicol); antiba8
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH4TheorySEC2Unit 3Pharmaceutical ChemistryFermentation Aerobic and anaerobic fermentation. Production of (i) Ethyl alcohol and citric acid, (ii) Antibiotics; Penicillin, Cephalosporin, Chloromycetin and Streptomycin, (iii) Lysine, Glutamic ac10
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH4PracticalSEC2Unit IPharmaceutical ChemistrySynthesis of Aspirin 4
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4PracticalDSC A4Unit 5Physical ChemistryDetermination of the viscosity of a dilute solution using an Ostwald’s viscometer.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4PracticalDSC A4Unit 6Physical ChemistryDetermination of the viscosity of a dilute solution of unknown concentration using an Ostwald’s viscometer.2
ChemistryArighna SahaDSC-CEMG4TheoryDSC A4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryCrystal Field Theory2
ChemistryArighna SahaDSC-CEMG4TheoryDSC A4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryCrystal Field Theory4
ChemistryArighna SahaDSC-CEMG4PracticalDSC A4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistrySemi-micro qualitative analysis (using H2S or other methods) of mixtures - not more than four ionic species (two anions and two cations, excluding insoluble salts) out of the following: Cations : NH4 8
ChemistryArighna SahaDSC-CEMG4PracticalDSC A4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryAnions : CO3 2– , S2– , SO3 2– , S2O3 2– , NO3 – , CH3COO– , Cl– , Br– , I– , NO3 – , SO4 2- , PO4 3- , BO3 3- , C2O4 2- , F-8
ChemistryArighna SahaDSC-CEMG4PracticalDSC A4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryAnions : CO3 2– , S2– , SO3 2– , S2O3 2– , NO3 – , CH3COO– , Cl– , Br– , I– , NO3 – , SO4 2- , PO4 3- , BO3 3- , C2O4 2- , F-8
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4TheoryDSC A4Unit ILiquidsSurface tension and its determination using stalagmometer.1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4TheoryDSC A4Unit 2LiquidsViscosity of a liquid and determination of coefficient of viscosity using Ostwald viscometer.1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4TheoryDSC A4Unit 3LiquidsEffect of temperature on surface tension and coefficient of viscosity of a liquid (qualitative treatment only). (1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4TheoryDSC A4Unit ISolidsForms of solids. Symmetry elements1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4TheoryDSC A4Unit 2Solidsunit cells, crystal systems, Bravais lattice types and identification of lattice planes. Laws of Crystallography - Law of constancy of interfacial angles, Law of rational indices. Miller indices. X– R3
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4TheoryDSC A4Unit IChemical Kinetics The concept of reaction rates. Effect of temperature, pressure, catalyst and other factors on reaction rates. Order and molecularity of a reaction. Derivation of integrated rate equations for zero, fi2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4TheoryDSC A4Unit IKinetic Theory of GasesPostulates of Kinetic Theory of Gases and derivation of the kinetic gas equation. Deviation of real gases from ideal behaviour, compressibility factor, causes of deviation. van der Waals equation of s1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4TheoryDSC A4Unit 2Kinetic Theory of Gases Temperature dependence of these distributions. Most probable, average and root mean square velocities (no derivation). Collision cross section, collision number, collision frequency, collision diamet1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4PracticalDSC A4Unit IPhysical Chemistry 1. Surface tension measurement2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4PracticalDSC A4Unit 2Physical Chemistry Determination of the surface tension of a dilute solution using a stalagmometer.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4PracticalDSC A4Unit 3Physical Chemistry Determination of the surface tension of a dilute solution of unknown concentration using a stalagmometer.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4PracticalDSC A4Unit 4Physical Chemistry2. Viscosity measurement2
ChemistryArighna SahaDSC-CEMG4TheoryDSC A4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryTransition Elements (3d series) General group trends with special reference to electronic configuration, variable valency, colour, magnetic and catalytic properties, ability to form complexes and stab4
ChemistryArighna SahaDSC-CEMG4TheoryDSC A4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryTransition Elements (3d series) General group trends with special reference to electronic configuration, variable valency, colour, magnetic and catalytic properties, ability to form complexes and stab2
ChemistryArighna SahaDSC-CEMG4TheoryDSC A4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryCoordination Chemistry2
ChemistryArighna SahaDSC-CEMG4TheoryDSC A4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryCoordination Chemistry2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4PracticalDSC A4Unit 7Physical Chemistry 1. Surface Tension (Practice)2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4PracticalDSC A4Unit 8Physical Chemistry 1. Viscosity (Practice)2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4ExamDSC A4Unit IPhysical Chemistry Liquid and Gaseous State 2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan DSC-CEMG4ExamDSC A4Unit IPhysical Chemistry Liquid and Gaseous State 2
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaDSC-CEMG4TheorySEC2Unit IPharmaceutical ChemistryDrugs & Pharmaceuticals4
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaDSC-CEMG4TheorySEC2Unit 2Pharmaceutical ChemistrySynthesis of the representative drugs of the following classes: analgesics agents, antipyretic agents, anti-inflammatory agents (Aspirin, paracetamol, lbuprofen); antibiotics (Chloramphenicol); antiba12
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaDSC-CEMG4TheorySEC2Unit 3Pharmaceutical ChemistryFermentation Aerobic and anaerobic fermentation. Production of (i) Ethyl alcohol and citric acid, (ii) Antibiotics; Penicillin, Cephalosporin, Chloromycetin and Streptomycin, (iii) Lysine, Glutamic ac12
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaDSC-CEMG4PracticalSEC2Unit IPharmaceutical ChemistryPreparation of Aspirin and its analysis.4
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaDSC-CEMG4PracticalSEC2Unit IPharmaceutical ChemistryPreparation of magnesium bisilicate (Antacid) 4
ChemistryArighna SahaGE-CEMH4TheoryGE 4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryCoordination Chemistry2
ChemistryArighna SahaGE-CEMH4TheoryGE 4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryCoordination Chemistry2
ChemistryArighna SahaGE-CEMH4TheoryGE 4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryCrystal Field Theory2
ChemistryArighna SahaGE-CEMH4TheoryGE 4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryCrystal Field Theory4
ChemistryArighna SahaGE-CEMH4TheoryGE 4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryTransition Elements (3d series) General group trends with special reference to electronic configuration, variable valency, colour, magnetic and catalytic properties, ability to form complexes and stab4
ChemistryArighna SahaGE-CEMH4TheoryGE 4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryTransition Elements (3d series) General group trends with special reference to electronic configuration, variable valency, colour, magnetic and catalytic properties, ability to form complexes and stab2
ChemistryArighna SahaGE-CEMH4PracticalGE 4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryAnions : CO3 2– , S2– , SO3 2– , S2O3 2– , NO3 – , CH3COO– , Cl– , Br– , I– , NO3 – , SO4 2- , PO4 3- , BO3 3- , C2O4 2- , F-8
ChemistryArighna SahaGE-CEMH4PracticalGE 4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistryAnions : CO3 2– , S2– , SO3 2– , S2O3 2– , NO3 – , CH3COO– , Cl– , Br– , I– , NO3 – , SO4 2- , PO4 3- , BO3 3- , C2O4 2- , F-8
ChemistryArighna SahaGE-CEMH4PracticalGE 4Unit ISection B- Inorganic ChemistrySemi-micro qualitative analysis (using H2S or other methods) of mixtures - not more than four ionic species (two anions and two cations, excluding insoluble salts) out of the following: Cations : NH4 8
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4PracticalGE 4Unit IPhysical Chemistry1. Surface tension measurement2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4PracticalGE 4Unit 2Physical ChemistryDetermination of the surface tension of a dilute solution using a stalagmometer.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4PracticalGE 4Unit 3Physical ChemistryDetermination of the surface tension of a dilute solution of unknown concentration using a stalagmometer2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4PracticalGE 4Unit 4Physical Chemistry2. Viscosity measurement.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4PracticalGE 4Unit 5Physical ChemistryDetermination of the viscosity of a dilute solution using an Ostwald’s viscometer.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4PracticalGE 4Unit 6Physical ChemistryDetermination of the viscosity of a dilute solution of unknown concentration using an Ostwald’s viscometer.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4PracticalGE 4Unit 7Physical Chemistry 1. Surface tension (practice)2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4TheoryGE 4Unit IPhysical Chemistry (Liquid)Surface tension and its determination using stalagmometer. Viscosity of a liquid and determination of coefficient of viscosity using Ostwald viscometer.1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4TheoryGE 4Unit 2Physical Chemistry (Liquid)Effect of temperature on surface tension and coefficient of viscosity of a liquid (qualitative treatment).1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4TheoryGE 4Unit IPhysical Chemistry (Solids)Forms of solids. Symmetry elements, unit cells, crystal systems, Bravais lattice types and identification of lattice planes.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4TheoryGE 4Unit 2Physical Chemistry (Solids) Laws of Crystallography - Law of constancy of interfacial angles, Law of rational indices. Miller indices. X– Ray diffraction by crystals, Bragg’s law. 1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4TheoryGE 4Unit 3Physical Chemistry (Solids)Structures of NaCl, KCl and CsCl (qualitative treatment only). Defects in crystals. Glasses and liquid crystals.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4TheoryGE 4Unit IPhysical Chemistry (Chemical Kinetics)Rate law, order and molecularity 2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4ExamGE 4Unit IPhysical Chemistry Liquid and Gaseous State 2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4ExamGE 4Unit 2Internal Examination Physical and Inorganic Chemistry 1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4ExamGE 4Unit IInternal Examination Physical Chemistry 1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan GE-CEMH4TheoryGE 4Unit 2Physical (Chemical Kinetics)2. Rate of reaction.1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH5TheoryCore-11Unit IPhysical Chemistry (Conductance)1. Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation. Conductivity, equivalent and molar conductivity.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH5TheoryCore-11Unit 2Physical Chemistry (Conductance)2. Variation of conductivity with dilution for weak and strong electrolytes. Molar conductivity at infinite dilution. Kohlrausch law of independent migration of ions.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH5TheoryCore-11Unit 3Physical Chemistry (Conductance)3. Debye-Hückel-Onsager equation, Wien effect, Debye-Falkenhagen effect, Walden's rules. Quantitative aspects of Faraday's laws of electrolysis.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH5TheoryCore-11Unit 4Physical Chemistry (Conductance)4. lonic velocities, mobilities and their determinations, transference numbers and their relation to ionic mobilities, determination of transference numbers using Hittorf and Moving Boundary methods.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH5TheoryCore-11Unit 5Physical Chemistry (Conductance)5. Applications of conductance measurement: (i) degree of dissociation of weak electrolytes, (i) ionic product of water (iil) solubility and solubility product of sparingly soluble salts, (iv) conduct2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH5PracticalCore-11Unit IPhysical Chemistry (Practical)1. Conductometric titration (Introduction)2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH5PracticalCore-11Unit 2Physical Chemistry (Practical)1. Conductometric titration (Strong acid vs Strong base)2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH5PracticalCore-11Unit 3Physical Chemistry (Practical)1. Conductometric titration (Weak acid vs Strong base)2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH5PracticalCore-11Unit 4Physical Chemistry (Practical)Conductometric titration (Dibasic Weak acid vs Strong base)2
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH5TheoryDSE1Unit IQualitative and quantitative aspects of analysisSampling, evaluation of analytical data, errors, accuracy and precision, methods of their expression, normal law of distribution if indeterminate errors, statistical test of data; F, Q and t test, re10
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH5TheoryDSE1Unit 2Optical methods of analysis: Origin of spectra, interaction of radiation with matter, fundamental laws of spectroscopy and selection rules, validity of Beer-Lambert’s law.5
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH5TheoryDSE1Unit 3UV-Visible SpectrometryBasic principles of instrumentation (choice of source, monochromator and detector) for single and double beam instrument. Basic principles of quantitative analysis: estimation of metal ions from aqu10
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH5TheoryDSE1Unit 4Infrared SpectrometryBasic principles of instrumentation (choice of source, monochromator & detector) for single and double beam instrument; sampling techniques. Structural illustration through interpretation of data, E5
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH5TheoryDSE1Unit 5Flame Atomic Absorption and Emission SpectrometryBasic principles of instrumentation (choice of source, monochromator, detector, choice of flame and Burner designs. Techniques of atomization and sample introduction; Method of background correction5
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH5TheoryDSE1Unit 6Thermal methods of analysisTheory of thermogravimetry (TG), basic principle of instrumentation. Techniques for quantitative estimation of Ca and Mg from their mixture. 5
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH5TheoryDSE1Unit 7Electroanalytical methodsClassification of electroanalytical methods, basic principle of pH metric, potentiometric and conductometric titrations. Techniques used for the determination of equivalence points. Techniques used f10
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH5TheoryDSE1Unit 8Separation techniquesSolvent extraction: Classification, principle and efficiency of the technique. Mechanism of extraction: extraction by solvation and chelation. Technique of extraction: batch, continuous and counter15
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH5PracticalDSE1Unit IDetermine the composition of the Ferric-salicylate/ ferric-thiocyanate complex by Job’s method.Determine the composition of the Ferric-salicylate/ ferric-thiocyanate complex by Job’s method.2
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH5PracticalDSE1Unit 2Determination of pH of soil. Determination of pH of soil. 2
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH5PracticalDSE1Unit 3Determine the pH of the given aerated drinks fruit juices, shampoos and soaps. Determine the pH of the given aerated drinks fruit juices, shampoos and soaps. 2
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaCC-CEMH5PracticalDSE1Unit 4Benzoic acid determination from Soft drinksBenzoic acid determination from Soft drinks2
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCC-CEMH5TheoryDSE2Unit 5Chemical fertiliserscomposition & preparation of fertilisers0
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCC-CEMH5TheoryDSE2Unit 6Chemical fertilisersNPK & Ammonium nitrate0
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (H)5TheoryCC12Unit 2Organic Spectroscopy 8
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (H)5TheoryCC12Unit 2Organic Spectroscopy 2
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (H)5TheoryCC12Unit 2Pericyclic Reactions 8
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (H)5TheoryCC12Unit 2Pericyclic Reactions 4
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (H)5PracticalCC12Unit 2Separation of Binary mixture 8
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (H)5PracticalCC12Unit 2Separation of Binary mixture 8
ChemistryArighna SahaCHEMISTRY (H)5PracticalCC12Unit 2Separation of Binary mixture 4
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYDSC-CEMG5TheoryDSE C1Unit 2Chemical fertilisersurea & ammonium nitrate0
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYDSC-CEMG5TheoryDSE C1Unit 5preparation of the fertilisersurea and ammonium sulphates0
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYDSC-CEMG5TheoryDSE C1Unit 3FertilisersSources and Classification of the Fertilisers0
ChemistrySrabanti GhoshCC-CEMH6TheoryCore-13Unit 3Organometallic Compounds -acceptor behaviour of CO (MO diagram of CO to be discussed), synergic effect and use of IR data to explain extent of back bonding. Zeise’s salt : Preparation and structure, evidences of synergic eff1
ChemistrySrabanti GhoshCC-CEMH6TheoryCore-13Unit 4Organometallic CompoundsMetal Alkyls : Important structural features of methyl lithium (tetramer) and trialkyl aluminium (dimer), concept of multicentre bonding in these compounds. Role of triethylaluminium in polymerisation1
ChemistrySrabanti GhoshCC-CEMH6TheoryCore-13Unit IOrganometallic CompoundsDefinition and classification of organometallic compounds on the basis of bond type. Concept of hapticity of organic ligands.Metal carbonyls : 18 electron rule, electron count of mononuclear, polynucl1
ChemistrySrabanti GhoshCC-CEMH6TheoryCore-13Unit 2Organometallic CompoundsGeneral methods of preparation (direct combination, reductive carbonylation, thermal and photochemical decomposition) of mono and binuclear carbonyls of 3d series. Structures of mononuclear and binucl1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6PracticalCore-14Unit 3Verify Lambert-Beer’s law and determine the concentration of CuSO4/KMnO4/K2Cr2O7 in a solution of unknown concentration Verify Lambert-Beer’s law and determine the concentration of KMnO4 in a solution of unknown concentration2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6PracticalCore-14Unit 4Verify Lambert-Beer’s law and determine the concentration of CuSO4/KMnO4/K2Cr2O7 in a solution of unknown concentration Verify Lambert-Beer’s law and determine the concentration of K2Cr2O7 in a solution of unknown concentration2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6PracticalCore-14Unit 5Verify Lambert-Beer’s law and determine the concentration of CuSO4/KMnO4/K2Cr2O7 in a solution of unknown concentration Verify Lambert-Beer’s law and determine the concentration of CuSO4 in a solution of unknown concentration2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6PracticalCore-14Unit IStudy the 200-500 nm absorbance spectra and determine the ?max values. Study the 200-500 nm absorbance spectra of KMnO4 (in 0.1 M H2SO4) and determine the ?max values.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6PracticalCore-14Unit 2Study the 200-500 nm absorbance spectra and determine the lamda max values. Study the 200-500 nm absorbance spectra of K2Cr2O7 (in 0.1 M H2SO4) and determine the lamda max values.2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6TheoryCore-14Unit IQuantum Chemistry1. Postulates of quantum mechanics, quantum mechanical operators, Schrödinger equation and its application to free particle and “particle-in-a-box” (rigorous treatment), quantization of energy levels,4
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6TheoryCore-14Unit 2Quantum Chemistry2. Qualitative treatment of simple harmonic oscillator model of vibrational motion: Setting up of Schrödinger equation and discussion of solution and wavefunctions. Vibrational energy of diatomic mole4
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6TheoryCore-14Unit 3Quantum Chemistry3. Angular momentum: Commutation rules, quantization of square of total angular momentum and z-component. Rigid rotator model of rotation of diatomic molecule. Schrödinger equation, transformation to 4
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6TheoryCore-14Unit 4Quantum Chemistry4. Qualitative treatment of hydrogen atom and hydrogen-like ions: setting up of Schrödinger equation in spherical polar coordinates, radial part, quantization of energy (only final energy expression).4
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6TheoryCore-14Unit 5Quantum Chemistry5. Setting up of Schrödinger equation for many-electron atoms (He, Li). Need for approximation methods. Statement of variation theorem and application to simple systems (particle-in-a-box, harmonic os4
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6TheoryCore-14Unit 6Quantum Chemistry6. Chemical bonding: Covalent bonding, valence bond and molecular orbital approaches, LCAOMO treatment of H2 +. Bonding and antibonding orbitals. Qualitative extension to H2. Comparison of LCAO-MO and4
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6PracticalCore-14Unit 6Physical Chemistry Lambert-Beer’s law validity verification for KMNO4 solution (practice)2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6ExamCore-14Unit IPhysical Chemistry 1. Internal Examination (Quantum theory)1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6ExamCore-14Unit 2Physical Chemistry 2. Internal Examination (Quantum theory)1
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6PracticalCore-14Unit 6Physical Chemistry Practice2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6PracticalCore-14Unit 7Physical Chemistry Practice2
ChemistrySubarna Panchanan CC-CEMH6PracticalCore-14Unit 8Physical Chemistry Practice2
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCC-CEMH6TheoryDSE3Unit 2Principle of Green ChemistryGreen Solvent2
ChemistryRABINDRA DEYCC-CEMH6TheoryDSE4Unit IClassification of PolymerCo-polymer1
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaDSC-CEMG6TheoryDSE A2Unit IPolymer Chemistry Introduction and history of polymeric materials: Different schemes of classification of polymers, Polymer nomenclature, Molecular forces and chemical bonding in polymers, Texture of Polymers.4
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaDSC-CEMG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 2Polymer Chemistry Functionality and its importance: Criteria for synthetic polymer formation, classification of polymerization processes, Relationships between functionality, extent of reaction and degree of polymeriza6
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaDSC-CEMG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 3Polymer Chemistry Kinetics of Polymerization: Mechanism and kinetics of step growth, radical chain growth, ionic chain (both cationic and anionic) and coordination polymerizations, Mechanism and kinetics of copolymeriz3
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaDSC-CEMG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 4Polymer Chemistry Crystallization and crystallinity: Determination of crystalline melting point and degree of crystallinity, Morphology of crystalline polymers, Factors affecting crystalline melting point.4
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaDSC-CEMG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 5Polymer Chemistry Nature and structure of polymers-Structure Property relationships. Determination of molecular weight of polymers (Mn, Mw, etc) by end group analysis, viscometry, light scattering and osmotic pressure 3
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaDSC-CEMG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 6Polymer Chemistry Glass transition temperature (Tg) and determination of Tg, Free volume theory, WLF equation, Factors affecting glass transition temperature (Tg).2
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaDSC-CEMG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 7Polymer Chemistry Polymer Solution – Criteria for polymer solubility, Solubility parameter, Thermodynamics of polymer solutions, entropy, enthalpy, and free energy change of mixing of polymers solutions, Flory- Huggins4
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaDSC-CEMG6TheoryDSE A2Unit 8Polymer Chemistry Properties of Polymers (Physical, thermal, Flow & Mechanical Properties). Brief introduction to preparation, structure, properties and application of the following polymers: polyolefins, polystyrene a8
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaDSC-CEMG6PracticalDSE A2Unit IPolymer Chemistry Preparation of urea-formaldehyde resin4
ChemistrySnehasis BhaktaDSC-CEMG6PracticalDSE A2Unit IPolymer Chemistry Preparation of urea-formaldehyde resin4
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